Archive for January, 2010


Use generic

by yudaica2013 ·

Commonly, the term general manager refers to any executive who has overall responsibility for managing the revenue and cost elements of a company. This means that a general manager usually oversees all marketing and sales functions of a company as well as day to day operations. Often, the general manager is also responsible for leading and coordinating strategic planning functions. In many cases, the post of general manager of a business has other names. Some managers are called Presidents. In other rarer cases, a financial manager, operational manager, marketing manager can act on the functions of a general manager. Depending on the company, people with positions of Vice President, Country Manager, Product Manager or Segment Manager may also have general management responsibilities. In nonprofit organizations, the general manager may be named Executive Director.

Product Details
How to Land a Top-Paying Funeral Director Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What by Brad Andrews (Kindle Edition – May 23, 2009)Kindle Book


Since 1968

by yudaica2013 ·

1968 – Creation of the Club of Rome, that brings together relatively important positions in their respective countries and seeks to promote stable economic growth and sustainable development of mankind. The Club of Rome has, among its members senior scientists (Nobel laureates), economists, politicians, heads of state and even international associations. 1972 – The Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth report, prepared at his request by a team of researchers from MIT. This report presents the results of computer simulations of the evolution of human population on the basis of the exploitation of natural resources, with projections to 2100. It shows that due to the pursuit of economic growth during the twenty-first century a drastic reduction in population due to pollution, loss of arable land and shortages of energy resources.June 16, 1972 – Conference on Human Environment United Nations (Stockholm). It is the first Earth Summit. It first occurs worldwide concern over global environmental issues. 1980 – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report entitled Global Strategy for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, which identifies the key elements of habitat destruction: poverty, population pressure, inequality social and terms of trade exchange. 1981 – Global Report 2000 by the Council on Environmental Quality United States. It concludes that biodiversity is critical for the proper functioning of the planet, which is weakened by the extinction of species. 1982 – United Nations World Charter for Nature. Adopts the principle of respect for all life and calls for an understanding between human dependency of natural resources and control its operation.1982 – Creation of the World Resources Institute (WRI) in the U.S.. UU. with the aim of harnessing human society towards life forms that protect Earth’s environment and its ability to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations. 1984 – First meeting of the World Commission on Environment and Development, established by the UN General Assembly in 1983 to establish a global agenda for change. 1987 – Brundtland Report Our Common Future, prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development which is formalized for the first time the concept of sustainable development. , from 3 to 14 June 1992 – is welcomes the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Second “Earth Summit”) in Rio de Janeiro, birthplace of Agenda 21, adopted the Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity ( Rio Declaration) and the Declaration of Principles on Forests.It starts to give wide publicity of the term sustainable development to the general public. It modifies the original definition of the Brundtland Report, focused on preserving the environment and prudent use of nonrenewable natural resources, towards the idea of “three pillars” that must be reconciled in a perspective of sustainable development: economic progress, the social justice and environmental preservation. 1993 – V Action Program Environment of the European Union: Towards Sustainability. Introducing the new EU strategy on the environment and the actions to be undertaken to achieve sustainable development for the period 1992-2000. 27 May 1994 – First Conference on Sustainable European Cities. Aalborg (Denmark). Aalborg Charter ‘ 8 October 1996 – Second Conference on Sustainable European Cities.The Lisbon Action Plan: Charter to action 11 December 1997 – was adopted by the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention United Nations Framework on Climate Change, which entered into force in 2005. 2000 – Third Conference on Sustainable European Cities. Hannover Declaration of municipal leaders at the turn of the century 2001 – VI Action Program Environment of the European Union. Environment 2010: Our future in our hands.Defining priorities and objectives of the Community environmental policy up to and beyond 2010 and detail the measures to be taken to help implement the EU strategy on sustainable development. From 26 August to 4 September 2002 – World Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio 10, Johannesburg Summit) in Johannesburg, which reaffirmed sustainable development as the central element of the international agenda and gave new impetus to global action to combating poverty and environmental protection. They met more than a hundred heads of state, tens of thousands of representatives of governments, NGOs and leading companies to ratify a treaty to take a position on the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. February 2004.


Subject: statement of

by yudaica2013 ·

Subject: statement of the question, objective or summary of the document being transmitted. Data Transmission: elements that identify and control the documents transmitted by fax. Recipient: natural or legal person to whom it may concern the fax. Space horizontal distance of writing. Signature: heading the official requesting the transfer. Logo: emblem that identifies a corporation or company. Message: contents of a brief communication. Name: name that identifies a corporation or company. Sender: natural or legal person sending the fax. Line the vertical distance of writing. DATA TRANSMISSION Any document sent by facsimile should be preceded by a sheet with data transmission. The transmission data to be printed are: Company name and logo, or one of the two. City and country of the sender. Sender’s phone number. Sender’s fax number. Sender ID. Date. Fax control number (optional). Details of the recipient.Name and position of the company. Recipient’s fax number. City and country of destination. Sender.Name and position of the company. Subject or message. Number of pages transmitted including this. Signature of requesting the transfer. MARGINS The margins top, bottom, left and right of the sheet with the data transmission shall be of 1 cm. QUALITY REPRODUCTION: For good quality playback, transmitting documents must be legible (no smudges or shelf).Besides the reductions should be avoided and the fonts very small, because they affect the sharpness of the fax. VERIFICATION OF TRANSMISSION: In the event of difficulties in sending or receiving the fax must be informed about them by other means, such as telex or telephone to verify and correct the fax transmission problems.


SEGMENTS and target

by yudaica2013 ·

SEGMENTS AND SELECTING TARGET There are many definitions with lengthy technical explanations, but not entirely necessary since they can define a niche in a simple, clear and understandable: it is a smaller market that a given market. It’s a smaller group of people interested in a certain product or service. These people, not being a market majority, often tend not to find satisfaction for their needs. For this reason, Internet marketing specialists, usually try to find that group of people dissatisfied and design a product, service and website to meet those needs not covered by other companies or organizations.It is vital to find the right market niche, ie to know the profile of those people with special needs, if they desire to please, and if they have the purchasing power to perform compras.Tambi n is noteworthy that the same a segment a market niche. For example, people traveling by plane to go to a distant destination is representing a market segment, but who also choose the “tourist class”, are a niche within that market segment. Before selecting a market niche should be sure that there are or there are few good companies best meet the needs of these people. Given its complexity in the requirements, you may not have organizations that do, but we must also take into account the size of the niche market, ie the potential number of those people who are their clients. It must be assured that the chosen market niche that is large enough to generate good profit to your site.The ideal niche is one that has the volume needed to be able to be profitable in the medium term. Market segmentation is synthesized in a consumer insight, both qualitative and quantitative aspects. But to be effective, this knowledge has to be referred to the particular products and markets where the company is interested. After judging the different segments, the company must decide which should go and how to address them. This is to select the target or set of customers or needs, specificities and that the company can serve. There may be segments that are tailored to the strengths of the company, but it must also consider whether you have the skills and resources necessary to succeed in them. Therefore, the company should see only those segments where it can provide value above and have competitive advantages. There are three strategies of segmentation that can take the company, as market coverage desired or target audience you wish to attend: lack of differentiation, differentiation and focus. The company “Volvo” to manufacture automobiles, should target your efforts to achieve greater productivity and specialization of labor. For this development a division of areas in your production line.These are: Mechanics and engines (Department A) Electricity in the car (Dept. B) Wheels and materials of plastic (Dept.



by yudaica2013 ·

HERBALIFE: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Prepared by the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board of Herbalife. 1 – WHAT IS HERBALIFE Herbalife is a scientifically formulated nutritional program based on high quality nutrients, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, herbs and reduced calories.It centers around the delicious nutritional shake, which is a concentrated food low calorie and high nutrient that serves as a meal replacement if you want to lose weight and as additional food in order to sustain or increase the weight. The Herbalife program has been used by literally millions of people around the world to control their weight and improve their health since 1980. It is also widely used by athletes to increase muscle mass, for children and adolescents to improve their growth and sick people who want to be excellently nourished. 2 – ONE LOSES WEIGHT FOR SKIP MEALS No. The program reduced calorie Herbalife encourages participants to eat three meals a day. Two standard meals are replaced by nutritious and well balanced nutritional drink and the third meal is made to your own choice. Diets which require people to skip meals are harmful and stimulate binge eating. With Herbalife does not have to stop eating those favorite foods. Remember, not a diet Herbalife is a nutrition program. 3 – HERBALIFE IS A DIET OF “liquid protein” or a diet that starves Definitely not! Herbalife is neither of those things. The Herbalife program provides at least 1,000 calories daily and is nutritionally complete so that people can lose weight safely and effectively and, equally important, keep the weight off. The diets of “liquid protein” drinks made with poorly balanced protein, or per diem that “starve” (less than 700 calories per day) are an attack on the health of their practitioners. Also, those who practice this type of diet repeatedly increasingly find it difficult to lose weight because your body is being assaulted and tested at not receiving the necessary nutrients and so few calories. 4 – HOW DOES HERBALIFE Herbalife supplies all the balanced nutrients your body needs daily.Those who wish may lose excess weight by reducing excess calories without sacrificing important nutrients like protein, potassium, iron and vitamins. The result is that they feel the best way possible while losing excess weight and inches. It’s great for increasing muscle mass of athletes while reducing your body fat percentage. In the case of children, pregnant women and sick, the Herbalife program is ideal for improving the nutritional status of those who consume it. 5 – HERBALIFE IS “NATURAL” The Herbalife program is based entirely on nutritional and herbal ingredients. The program contains no drugs, medications, hormones or other synthetic agents to lose weight all the ingredients of the Herbalife program must fulfill three important conditions: purity, potency and stability. That’s how it maintains the high level of quality associated with the Herbalife name. 6 – WHAT CAUSES THE FEELING OF INCREASED ENERGY Is caffeine Weight loss and increased energy that causes Herbalife are the results of its scientifically balanced nutritional formula.


Carlyle Group The

by yudaica2013 ·

Carlyle Group The Carlyle Group is a management firm capital investment funds, which manages funds over 81,100 million U.S. dollars. The company was founded in 1987 by William E. Conway Jr., Daniel A. D’Aniello and David M. Rubenstein, and is headquartered in Washington DC. The Carlyle Group manages 57 funds that operate through purchase transactions, venture and growth capital, real estate investment and financing in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. The firm has over 575 employees, being present in all major regions of the world through its network of 31 offices in 21 countries. Since 1987, Carlyle has invested more than 37,700 million of capital in 737 transactions with a purchase value exceeding 213,100 million.Carlyle operates in numerous sectors such as aerospace, automotive, transportation, consumption and trade, energy generation and distribution, health, industry, technology, business services, telecommunications and media. It is also the eleventh largest defense contractor in the world, and arms in most unstable parts of the world. Carlyle-owned companies employ more than 286,000 people worldwide and generated revenues of 87.000 billion. Carlyle has more than 1,200 investors from 68 countries. The firm is distinguished by the significant number of world-renowned political figures you use. Some of these guests have been George HW Bush and his Secretarioa of State James A. Baker III, Frank Carlucci, was minister of defense under Ronald Reagan and deputy director of the CIA, which has generated controversy over allegations of conflicts of interest.


Box diagram

by yudaica2013 ·

Visual presentation describing the same time several important features of a dataset, such as the center, dispersion, removal of symmetry, and the identification of outliers (atypical points), ie values that are far from an unusual way the rest of the data. Presents the three quartiles (and minimum and maximum values) aligned on a vertical or horizontal box … Procedure For the diagram of boxes and whiskers are required 1.Calcular the median and two quartiles, with which form the box, which has as a central median, and quartiles as the two sides. These quartiles are also given the names of “hinges”. The height (width) of the case does not matter. 2. The distance H is defined as the distance between the upper quartile and lower quartile, ie intecuart lico corresponds to the range H Q3 – Q1 RIC. 3.The step corresponding to 1.5 times the distance Step 1.5 H 4. Internal Fences located one step away from the hinges or the respective quartiles. Thus, the lower internal Fences (CII) and Superior (CIs) are given by: IIC Q1 – Q3 Step PasoCIs If the internal near bottom into less than the minimum value of the sample, it becomes equal to the minimum value equally, if the fence gives greater than greater than the maximum, it becomes equal to that value. 5. External Fences located within walking internal fences.Thus, the lower external Fences (CIS) and Superior (CEs) are given by: CEI CII – PASOC CI Paso. 6. They are called “adjacent values” located between the internal fences and the edges of the boxes. Not plotted for simplicity. 7. “Outliers” are located between the two fences, and deserves special attention, because they may be outliers, which in some cases not really belong to the general distribution of where data comes from. 8.



by yudaica2013 ·

Training is essential for this breed is not recommended at all to buy a puppy if the future owner has no time to train him or take him to train. It needs continuous practice exercise so it is a working breed. The German Shepherd excel in sports like Schutzhund, which is a good alternative to help keep it healthy and balanced both physically and mentally. Field trips, beach or mountain are necessary and advisable especially if allowed to run at will at least twice a month. Thus, strong muscles will stay fit and help preserve his mental balance, being a particular race temperament predisposed to disorders that in extreme cases degenerate into neurosis. It is preferred over the 3 months of life make his first bath in a warm place where the dog is not at risk of injury, using neutral soap or shampoo.Whether you are fed with good quality or BARF diet is important to take care taken to avoid overfeeding as it has a voracious appetite that can lead to suffer from gastric problems, which badly treated, degenerate into chronic diarrhea. It is advisable to go to the vet at least once a year for a check up. Daily brushing is necessary to keep the dead hair hang from the limbs and neck, this also allows your hair is kept bright, healthy and beautiful.


Statement from Christina DeRosa

by yudaica2013 ·

I am young, independent, and courageous Actress. I will not let “The Fashion World” fit me in a little Fashion Cubby Hole to make themselves feel good about giving me a sincere compliment. I am in need of no one who boast that they know better, and force their opinion on my fashion judgment. I will take risks in order to separate myself from the herd. I will march on the Red-Blood-Stained Red Carpets to my own drumbeat.For any red carpet, I will respectfully honor with the Gallantry of Yester Years, as very few of my fellow Fashionable Actresses are doing today. Regardless, thank you for mentioning me on your blog, much appreciated.


History Main

by yudaica2013 ·

History Main article: History of medicine Medicine had its beginnings in prehistory, which also has its own field of study known as “Medical Anthropology”, were used plants, minerals and animal parts, in most the time these substances were used in magic rituals by shamans, priests, magicians, sorcerers, animists, spiritualists and psychics. The historical data show the medicine found in different cultures such as Indian Ayurvedic medicine, ancient Egypt, the ancient China and Greece. One of the earliest known historical characters is Hippocrates who is also known as the father of medicine, Aristotle, supposedly a descendant of Asclepius, by her family: the Asclepiades, and Galen. Following the fall of Rome in Western Europe declined Greek medical tradition. File: Alexander Fleming.jpg Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. After 750 ADMuslims translated the works of Galen and Aristotle in Arabic to which Islamic doctors was induced in medical research. It is worth mentioning some important Islamic figures as Avicenna who along with Hippocrates also has been mentioned as the father of medicine, Abulcasis the father of surgery, Avenzoar the father of experimental surgery, Ibn al-Nafis father of circulatory physiology, Averroes and Rhazes called the father of pediatrics. By the late Middle Ages after the Black Death, major medical figures of Europe emerged as William Harvey and Gabriel Fallopio. In the past most of the doctor thought was due to what authorities have previously said and looked as such that was said to remain the authority, this thinking was largely replaced between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries AD time that the pandemic was the “Black Death” .Pre-modern biomedical research discred several older methods such as the “four humors ” of Greek origin, is up around 1800 with the progress of the Leeuwenhoek microscope and discoveries of Robert Koch bacterial transmissions actually saw the beginning of modern medicine. Only in the eighteenth century were large numbers of discoveries such as antibiotics that was a great moment in medicine, figures such as Rudolf Virchow, Wilhelm Conrad R ntgen, Alexander Flemming, Karl Landsteiner, Otto Loewi, Joseph Lister, Francis Crick , Florence Nightingale, Maurice Wilkins, Howard Florey, Frank Macfarlane Burnet, William Williams Keen, Harvey Cushing William Coley, James D. Watson, Salvador Luria, Alexandre Yersin, Kitasato Shibasaburo, Jean-Martin Charcot, Claude Bernard, Paul Broca, Nikolai Korotkov, Sir William Osler and Harvey Cushing as the most important among others.As medicine and technology development began to become more reliable, as the emergence of herbal pharmacology of various drugs to date are derived from plants such as atropine, warfarin, aspirin, digoxin, taxol etc.. Of all was first discovered arsphenamine discovered by Paul Ehrlich in 1908 after observing that dying bacteria as human cells did not. The earliest forms of antibiotics was the sulfa drugs currently antibiotics have become very sophisticated, modern antibiotics can attack specific physiological sites, some even designed to support the body to reduce side effects. Vaccines for their part were discovered by Dr. Edward Jenner to see the milking of cows that contracted vaccinia virus by contact with the pustules were immune to smallpox which made the start of vaccination, years later Louis Pasteur vaccine gave the name to honor the work of Edward Jenner with the cows.Currently, knowledge about the human genome has begun to have a great influence on her, why they have identified several conditions linked to a specific gene in which cell biology and genetics to focus on medical practice management, even so, these methods are still in their infancy. The staff of Asclepius This staff is used as the global symbol of medicine is a staff with a coiled snake used by organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), American Association of Medical and Osteopathic 7 the Australian and British Medical Association and various medical schools worldwide that also incorporate this logo.