Archive for January, 2025



by yudaica2013 ·

Why an organization should transform?, the answer in general relate it to the voracity of global competition and the hipercambiante environment. Howard Schultz has firm opinions on the matter. Improvements and changes to current schemes are not sufficient to deal with a much more complex business reality. Now with more growth and higher profits companies have succeeded based on the talent, knowledge, innovation and a disruption in the way of doing business, creating new needs or new ways to meet the needs. The organizational transformation, has to do with a complete change where one thing turns into another. Read additional details here: Gary Katcher. This definition is very deep and compromising, since we deal not only with an administrative tool, or a method, or even a model, but an entire new system of organization. The only current organizational system that has is the pyramidal or functional, created in the industrial era to organize the new way of generating wealth and make company at that time.

Currently talk about the era of knowledge, where the roots of the value they are in people, in the intangible; beyond the classic land, labour and capital, now the wealth is generated based on the intellectual capital of the organization. To do this, the intelligent enterprise system offers a proposal of system for the world of organizations where the central dynamic is tipped towards the customer instead of the authority; It focuses on the person, instead of the irons, among other inputs and assumptions of such a system. The sense of urgency to adopt this system is detonated by the pursuit of competitiveness, which is only achieved with the contest and approval of the customer. Without it, we can be productive, efficient, quality, more non-competitive. So the organizational structure should be directed to the customer, always looking and naturally the satisfaction of their needs (company mission).

Of course, that the structure is composed by people, which run activities that are part of the processes that are available as products or services, by What if we improve people, improve processes and consequently property tangibilizados by which such customers pay. According to a source specializing in item (1), the organizational transformation is like an operation open heart, where there is a double challenge: keep the patient alive and correct the same problem. In the organizations business must be removed in the usual way, while at the same time makes the change to open heart. For this situation, it is important to keep a system that helps you to work in both dimensions, so in the SEI provides coexistence two-dimensional between (focused on the authority) pyramidal structure and operational structure (focused on the client) to be able to cope with the movement towards a knowledge company unless the patient succumbs in the process. He anchored the future success and the same need to transform into customer and team, are formulas which sustains the Intelligent Enterprise System. Touching people in this metamorphosis is due, If we want to be truly and finally useful to achieve the competitiveness of the organization.


Light As A Feather Alive Write: Now!

by yudaica2013 ·

can write this is still really important? SELM. Alive to write this is still really important? Finally, we all live in the age of Web 2.0, the often lax encouraged download Web videos and the most sloppily written, volatile SMS messages in the how I tell BBs”style. As a very important”Wolfgang Rademacher, successful author of Selm, estimates the ability contrary to general expectations, to be able to write well and captivating. Additional information is available at Gary Katcher. throughout. Books he has already written around 40 guides, most of which were bestsellers. But not only because Wolfgang Rademacher is a champion of good, old and rousing as writing: you must not have the intention, to write a book or an E-book. Also texts for websites and online shops must please, convince, inspire and be original. Who aligns his style solely on the search engines when writing and in his readers see mere keyword eater, snubbed his potential customers and will lag far behind its sales expectations. Because Google & co.

buy nothing with him. There are still people who spend the money and who want to how people are addressed.” “Successful writing is only human writing perfect writing as sales and argumentation instrument in the era of Web 2.0 that teaches in his advisor featherlight alive write Wolfgang Rademacher”: on some 240 DIN-A4 pages, the reader learns all about how he may prepare for its Internet presence as well as for revenue-generating landing pages, worth reading press and PR reports, money making manuals and much more captivating and memorable lyrics. Learn more on the subject from Vanessa Marcil. As always is the practice at the heart of this book, because finally he live by the and for writing, as Wolfgang Rademacher calls in memory: my book is an easy to use all-round carefree package for all the professional writing from scratch on wanting to learn. And everyone of my readers will find: feather-light, lively writing that is not so hard.” Wolfgang Rademacher: light as a feather alive 32 x 22 cm large format DIN write book A4 hardcover, approx. 240 pages this book is exclusively available at: V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 fax: (0 25 92) 98 18 89 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books that open the eyes of every reader. Books that motivate and inspire.

Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life. For more information


Todays Baby Names

by yudaica2013 ·

It seems that the days of naming your son or daughter with your own name and adding a second, third or a fourth sign in roman numerals at the end are fading away. This seems especially the case with celebrities. The more unique the better! As to whether celebrities are simply a little crazy, or if they simply like the attention that a unique baby name will bring, do not know. What we do know is that the names just keep getting crazier and crazier. Below is a list of some of our favorite baby names for years. Banjo – Patrick and Rachel Griffiths.

The choice of this name was based on the main character in ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner. “Apple – Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Do not even think that parents understand why he chose this name! Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lilly, Fifi Trixibelle, Honeyblossom Peaches – Paula Yates. definetely three of the most “out there” names in the history of baby names! Jett – John Travolta and Kelly Preston. Well, John has always loved airplanes, so let them get away with this. Zowie – David Bowie. For even more opinions, read materials from Jorge Perez. They do not seem so bad until you realize that the name that makes “Zowie Bowie”.

Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle, Scout LRue – Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. At least there are some normal names mixed up there, but still among our craziest! Daisey Boo – Jamie Oliver. Typical celebrity, had to throw in the “Boo” at the end. Pilot Inspektor – Scott Lee & Beth Riesgrat. This child will have a problem at school. Milo – Ricky Lake. This is fine, as long as it does not name her second child, “Otis.” Patrick Elias Bob Guggi Q – Bono. Bono had definetely put some thought into this! Prince Michael, Prince Michael II, Paris Michael – Michael Jackson. We believe this is too many Michaels for one house hold. Ken Kao: the source for more info. Dexter, Diane Keaton. It is only acceptable for a child, but do believe this is the name of his daughters? Moon Unit, Ahmet Emuukha Roden, Dreezil, Diva – Frank Zappa. A Again, among the craziest baby names in history. Ocean, True, Sonnet – Forest Whitaker. We Dont’t mind the name of the sonnet, but you can make your own mind up in the other two. Betty Kitten, Honey Kinney, Harvey Kirby – Jane Goldman & Jonathan Ross. Not name our kids these names, but have a nice ring to them.


Laptop Bags

by yudaica2013 ·

What properties must have bag for the laptop? She has to be reliable, durable, comfortable and reliably protecting your laptop and, of course, appealing. How to choose the right bag for your laptop? Defining point in the selection of bags for the notebook is its size. The size of the laptop is determined by the length of its diagonal, but it is not always an accurate indicator, because sometimes the size increase due to additional devices and options within computer case. It turns out that those in the passport of one device manufacturer 15 inches may actually be equal to a laptop with a diagonal of 16 inches of another. Filed under: Clarence Thomas. From this it follows that by buying a bag marked with, corresponding to the size of your laptop, you absolutely do not warrant purchasing a suitable bag.

Always take your laptop with you, this will allow you to try and buy the perfect size bag. Gary Katcher will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Also, consider what function should perform the Bag: protection for the laptop, protection, plus a stylish accessory, protection, enhancement and portfolio for items and documents. Additional useful features and capabilities of bags: a rigid frame. Plus – reduces the "out" external influences, negative – a lot of weight. Water resistant. Plus – the laptop does not vymoknet in the rain, minus – the look of waterproof materials do not suit everyone. Protective fittings. Pros – the load resistance, negative – Wt.


Lose Weight

by yudaica2013 ·

Running is healthy – the expert reveals how it will be done more and more people regularly lace the shoes. One of the main motivations is to remove it. But not all alike have much success running and make unnecessary beginner mistakes. Anthony Kennedy is actively involved in the matter. So this does not happen to you and you keep patience, Andreas Butz has gathered the most important questions about losing weight and running and answered. The Internet health portal informs you. Why do is running the best way to lose weight? Who consumed more calories, as feeds, takes off! The whole secret is in this set. Continue to learn more with: Gary Katcher.

It is so easy to remove: improve your energy balance. Walking is the most effective and convenient way, permanently increasing the energy expenditure, or calories. You can walk anywhere, you need a training partner and as equipment just a pair of running shoes. And the best thing is: the burns more calories who regularly runs alone through the muscles strengthened in practice, even if he does nothing. By walking, you will definitely for the fat burner.

When do I start to take off? Assuming train at least 40 minutes three to four times per week, so you will measure initial success on the scale after six to ten weeks. See your friends and relatives will be before your new athleticism, because your figure will be lower body fat percentage and the stronger leg and core muscles at the same weight due to the always athletic. But on the bathroom scale, so expressed in absolute figures, only recognize the successes after one to two months. With the gradual optimization of your eating habits, and a vital substance rich whole foods, you can speed up the positive effects of walking on your figure and your health. How does the workout on my character? With increasing training two unwanted effects set including: burn more fat and build muscle.


Garden Design

by yudaica2013 ·

Landscape architect Susanne Elnain Sage describes the difference between a theoretical and sound professional landscaping. Today I read a book about garden design. It is well made, with beautiful images of plants and the structure it describes exactly the steps you normally go when planning a garden. I thought once of my approach in this respect. I usually start with an interview or a brainstorming session with the garden owners.

Wish, ideas, visions – it belongs on the list, which I then develop ideas with my imagination and my expertise for garden design. We talked in a project about the owner, Sun allergy as many shadows in the garden include. In a planning project with a blind desire became evident after fragrances and the garden owner reveling scented Geraniums and more today on the terrace surrounded by the scents of roses, lavender. Garden design Frankfurt ever concrete people their Describe dreams, the better able it me in the reality in order to convert this. Cottage garden, herb corners and water areas are also topics that how I feststelle-increasingly are in demand and of course sample vegetables. This issue to experience a Renaissance seems just when townspeople or former City residents. However, there is also something wonderful own organic vegetables without effort in a raised bed to put it, to pursue the prosperity to weed the back gently and to enjoy the result of the own actions with pleasure and appetite, proud to itself.

A garden book can give suggestions, however, if you want more, then, garden and landscape architects with human maturity and experience are a better alternative. There you get to cut exactly the knowledge to your needs, for which you would otherwise read many books and much experience. If you want to try it, the initial consultation is always free and you will be amazed that a good concept is affordable. To broaden your perception, visit Gary Katcher. Susanne Elnain Sage



by yudaica2013 ·

The balance between family and work as an entrepreneur is something that you want to accomplish, especially as a woman in this society brings more challenges, more if you're an entrepreneur. Find out in this article how to find this balance. I'll show you a small key that will help you succeed. For more specific information, check out Related Group. I present you three tips that advise you to follow as closely as possible because if not, it is very easy to start to steal time for the family and the moments with them are not of the required quality at the same time we lose efficiency at work, which increasingly need more time. 1 .- Delegate, delegate, delegate. Delegates to all delegates in your family and your delegates equipment. You're not a superwoman, or you have to be the servant of all. Ken Kao may find this interesting as well. At home, everyone tries to deal with certain things, you can even arrange shifts so that everyone knows do everything.

At work the same, is not going to sink the company if it does not monitor everything. In fact having a well-trained team to deal with unforeseen events, can be a great outlet for you. It's the same at home, if all components rotate in your family work, everyone will do everything. 2 .- Put your limits for everything. Like you have your company philosophy and standards to be met, please rules as to limit your time. Define how long you can give your business and your family as you can even have another limit for possible contingencies in both fields and stick firmly.

3 .- Live in the present. This is very important, both at work and the family. If you're in this business will allow you more concentration greater speed and efficiency. In the family, if you enjoy those moments you have with your loved ones without being aware of what you left at work, these moments are of higher quality, which will help your family much respect for absences caused by your work. Following these three points has allowed me to get that balance between family and work, my family does not feel neglected and I am more and more efficient in my work, so I do not need to spend more time. Zabaleta Ana "The Coach of the entrepreneur"


Selfoccupied Property

by yudaica2013 ·

METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online easily evaluate if private retirement savings essentially stuck in the self-occupied property, there are different ways of pension improvement. Under the key words Immorente or Ruckwartshypothek, also reverse loans or House founder pensions or also turn real estate pension, can be found on the Internet many models of real estate used in the age. Live stay aims to receive monthly payments about the self-shared property and remain still live within your own four walls. This can be especially interesting if the owner would inherit nothing. Height is the monthly payments which is height of the monthly benefits according to the value of the property, the age of the owner, as well as the duration of the payments. To learn the value of his real estate, can be quickly and cost-effectively assess House, apartment or plot. The method of Dr.

Barzel learn the current value of his real estate real estate valuation is created within a few minutes online. The fee for a current and accurate site online real estate valuation is only 39 euros. incl. VAT With the knowledge of the current value of own real estate, the taking into account of the own age, as well as the expected duration of the monthly payments, the cornerstones for an improvement of the pension are known. Gary Katcher contributes greatly to this topic. Variations of another variable is the type of agreement. If the character of a loan or the transfer of ownership is rather useful, can be brought about charities, banks and life insurance companies may also experience. With a current online real estate valuation, owners have already created a clue for further reflection.


Innovative Treatment

by yudaica2013 ·

Thickened, yellowish and brittle nails? A nail fungus infection is not only persistent, uncomfortable and a cosmetic problem, but is mostly a reaction of the body to an immunodeficiency or underlying disease. Peripheral circulatory disorders, hormonal changes, wrong diets (existing deficiencies or a hyperglycemia”), unhealthy shoe factory, but also improper hygiene can be some of the reasons for the nail fungus. A medical diagnosis and treatment is recommended in this case. New therapy approach: the nail fungus laser treatment at the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are diagnosis and comprehensive treatment in the Center. The goal: The activation of the self healing through relaxation of the nervous system. Anna Belknap insists that this is the case.

The HG Naturklinik Michelrieth nail Piz laser treatment offers a gentle and effective therapeutic approach, which the body not burdened with intolerance or adverse reactions: specifically the laser light destroys the fungal pathogens seated under the nail plate. Nail and surrounding skin will remain intact. Add to your understanding with Gary Katcher. The body can recover the nail grow back healthy. How does the nail fungus laser treatment? Focused laser light will run for about 2 minutes on the affected nail and penetrates the nail plate. There, the light is converted into heat. The fungal pathogens are destroyed by the heat. The nail can grow back healthy.

By the nail fungus laser generated heat as tingling or exceptions as a light stinging perceived. What are the advantages of the nail fungus laser treatment? No side effects or intolerances of the body not additionally burdened precisely targeted is the fungal pathogens, remain nail and skin pain arm unharmed no downtime when you see first results? Fungal infections are often stubborn, because patience is required: 6 a nail needs healthy can grow to up to 12 months. For an effective treatment without back contamination, the HG Naturklinik recommends three treatments in an interval of four weeks. de/indikationen/nagelpilz-laserbehandlung.php the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth, located in the Spessart nature park offers holistic natural healing method for the body, soul and spirit. The holistic diagnosis of Klink is based on modern diagnostic methods of conventional medicine, knowledge of the orthomolecular medicine as well as nature and empirical medicine. Mainly dealt with following indications: diseases of cardiovascular and vascular system, metabolic diseases, rheumatism, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acute and chronic pain, respiratory diseases, skin diseases and allergies, gastoenterologische diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke patients, tumors, mental and physical exhaustion. At the heart of the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are the man and the activation of its self-healing powers by the Healing via the nervous system.


Alternative Healing Method

by yudaica2013 ·

Acupuncture is one of the traditional Chinese medicine and describes pricking with a needle at acupoints, Meridian points. The first known written mention of the acupuncture method dating back to the second century before Christ, here the historian Sima Qian first mentioned the stone needles. Until then the acupuncture came to Europe it took DeBondt but still some time, so the first written evidence about the acupuncture in the writings of the Dutchman can be found from 1675. At this time also coined the term acupuncture by a Beijing Jesuit monk, composed of the Latin word of Acus “for needle and Punctura’ to trick the Chinese form of therapy. Two centuries later, they sought in the course of the modernization of China to ban the acupuncture, this failed however, because traditional medicine was practiced more and more so it was decided to integrate acupuncture with modern medicine. The aim was to convince the acupuncturists by modern medicine, but they established the acupuncture next in Chinese medicine. Since the end of the 20th century, the acupuncture more widespread in Europe and is used here more and more.

The concept behind acupuncture is based on the doctrine of yin and Yang, which came later the five elements doctrine and the doctrine of the Prime Meridian. In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is divided into about 400 acupuncture point, which are assigned to the respective meridians. To simplify this, the current model of the 12 main meridians was introduced, mirror pairs are located on both sides of the body. The representatives of de acupuncture assume that the flow of qi, the vital energy, can be influenced by piercing the needles. Get all the facts and insights with Gary Katcher, another great source of information. An acupuncture session may take between 20 and 30 minutes, the patient usually lying relaxed in this time and after previous massage up to 16 acupuncture points are punched, so again, the qi of the patient flow freely to leave. Recommended acupuncture points to the application: main acupuncture points of 1,3,5,6,8,9-supplementary 2,4,7,10 acupoints method Acupuncture is especially in chronic pain where no diagnosis is used. But acupuncture is used in respiratory diseases, sleep disorders and neurological disorders. The field, aches and pains are eased in with acupuncture, is large and varied, so that there are hardly any people who do not have access to the acupuncture as an alternative healing method, and now the cost of acupuncture by the statutory health insurance applied in individual cases.