
Alternative Healing Method

by yudaica2013 ·

Acupuncture is one of the traditional Chinese medicine and describes pricking with a needle at acupoints, Meridian points. The first known written mention of the acupuncture method dating back to the second century before Christ, here the historian Sima Qian first mentioned the stone needles. Until then the acupuncture came to Europe it took DeBondt but still some time, so the first written evidence about the acupuncture in the writings of the Dutchman can be found from 1675. At this time also coined the term acupuncture by a Beijing Jesuit monk, composed of the Latin word of Acus “for needle and Punctura’ to trick the Chinese form of therapy. Two centuries later, they sought in the course of the modernization of China to ban the acupuncture, this failed however, because traditional medicine was practiced more and more so it was decided to integrate acupuncture with modern medicine. The aim was to convince the acupuncturists by modern medicine, but they established the acupuncture next in Chinese medicine. Since the end of the 20th century, the acupuncture more widespread in Europe and is used here more and more.

The concept behind acupuncture is based on the doctrine of yin and Yang, which came later the five elements doctrine and the doctrine of the Prime Meridian. In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is divided into about 400 acupuncture point, which are assigned to the respective meridians. To simplify this, the current model of the 12 main meridians was introduced, mirror pairs are located on both sides of the body. The representatives of de acupuncture assume that the flow of qi, the vital energy, can be influenced by piercing the needles. Get all the facts and insights with Gary Katcher, another great source of information. An acupuncture session may take between 20 and 30 minutes, the patient usually lying relaxed in this time and after previous massage up to 16 acupuncture points are punched, so again, the qi of the patient flow freely to leave. Recommended acupuncture points to the application: main acupuncture points of 1,3,5,6,8,9-supplementary 2,4,7,10 acupoints method Acupuncture is especially in chronic pain where no diagnosis is used. But acupuncture is used in respiratory diseases, sleep disorders and neurological disorders. The field, aches and pains are eased in with acupuncture, is large and varied, so that there are hardly any people who do not have access to the acupuncture as an alternative healing method, and now the cost of acupuncture by the statutory health insurance applied in individual cases.

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