Carmelo Peralta
by yudaica2013 ·
Loma Grande is a district of the Cordillera Department, located between High and New Colombia. In Loma Grande is the site-now a national park in 1940, where it fell, in a plane crash, the plane carrying Mariscal Jose Felix Estigarribia, his wife Julia Miranda Cueto and Carmelo Peralta, the pilot of the aircraft, bound Concepcion. 2. Actor understands that this is vital information. Loma Taruma: named after the tree that has that name (Taruma). Taruma La Loma is located in Asuncion, in the intersection of Republic of Colombia and Caballero. It should be noted that most of the Loma Taruma, also part of the City Asuncion, including: Pyta Loma, Loma Kavara (in the cemetery) and the Loma San Jeronimo.
As in some previous points, here I want to mention another case of reverse construction, ie, when the word hill becomes the second term, and that happens, for example, in March. Alfonso Loma, which is an Andean community (once part of Karaguatay), which is from the famed musician Don Quemil Yambay. Upon this construction also changes the meaning, since the translation (of Alfonso Loma) is "the hill of Alfonso or Alphonse). 2.11. Place names with "Valley": this is a Castilian word which means plain depression or extended on the ground, lying between hills or heights. It then provides some examples of words with the valley. 1. Pe Valley: here is a redundancy because the Guarani word meaning eg flat, flat.
Pe Valley is a company Borja district, in the Department of Guaira. 2. Yvate Valley: in this case there is a contradiction because the idea of depression corresponds to the valley floor, here is added Yvate Guarani word which means high or tall.
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