Cost-effective Driving With Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
by yudaica2013 ·
Many driving despaired when you go to the gas station and fuel prices have risen again. And one end of the price increases is in sight. But the Chinese market is growing unabated and the industry is very thirsty for this commodity. What remains are the high prices. And if crude prices fall by storm on the world market, then Germany knows compensate with increases in fuel taxes or environmental taxes. What can we do so, however The car can stand and use the bus For many motorists is not an option. In many areas of public transport is only insufficiently developed. Perhaps it should be indeed the goods are transported. Since you have to think about other alternatives. In addition to diesel and natural gas, there is the autogas LPG also mentioned. It is not as well known in Germany, in contrast to our neighbors. This use has been around for decades. LPG is a byproduct of oil extraction and consists of either propane or a mixture of propane and butane. The combustion is very environmentally friendly becausehardly caused harmful exhaust. Best of all, however, is the price. LPG is a bit half cheaper than gasoline. Moreover, it is not subject to such fluctuations as we know them to public or school holidays start, where gasoline prices are doing quite well at the pump to the top. Most cars can subsequently be converted to LPG. That’s not so bad. The tank usually takes place in the spare wheel well. How about you lose any storage space. A few extra fittings under the hood, a filler neck for the refueling and a small control panel inside the car and already the system is Ready for Action. The fuel capability is fully retained. So you could either run on petrol or LPG. The start is always with gasoline, then automatically switches to gas power. However, there are two drawbacks, firstly, the conversion is not cheap and, secondly, the car consumes more gas rather than gasoline. Approximately 10-25% of the consumption. Durchrechnen Therefore, one must first work out whether the conversionworthwhile. In my experience, it should have been at least 20,000 km, which you then put in back. Then should have paid for the purchase. In any case, we should advance a business Kostenanalysedurchfhren. Good news is, there are now more than 1000 LPG filling stations in Germany and there are always more. Maybe you want also belong to the circle of LPG the driver to do so.