Divorce Clients
by yudaica2013 ·
Virtual car wash I met once with his old friends. Conversation. Knowing me as an expert on cars, he naturally turned the conversation to his VAZ-2110. That, he says, went to the carburetor the car no problem knew. Traveled throughout Russia has never let down my car does not, and if it happened some damage to detail and I could fix myself, but here is where polezesh same injector! After one incident, I do fear for her somewhere to go. -What kind of case, I tell him. Yes, it was one adventure.
A lot of money and nerves of the cost. We went to the weekend at the cottage as a family. On the way stopped at a landing on need. Just got to go, the car stalled and will not start. I went and opened the hood, looked at the wires, injectors, sensors, and think: where to climb? I do not know, shut the hood and went on the road to vote.
Dragged us to the city to the nearest service center. Drove the car for inspection. Determined that the fuel pump refused. Replaced within an hour, and off we went, only this time back home. -Fuel pump, which you took the shot? – Interested. No, why should I failed. Well, Petrukha, lit servismeny you in full. Pump so suddenly can not die, although cases have been, but it is very rare. Most likely, when you pulled off the asphalt, some twig caught in the engine bay, pulled the sensor connector from the engine crankshaft and died here.
Tags: auto and moto, Repair and Parts