by yudaica2013 ·
They have their origin in the delivery of temporarily free resources, not needed for normal operations of the investment entity, in order to earn extra income. Where investments are made by providing regular income on the invested amounts, are called revenue sources and whether they expected to generate revenues from rising prices, speculative nominate.Also, bearing in mind the date of recovery are classified as temporary (recoverable within twelve months) or permanent (permanent or with recovery in terms exceeding one year). THE INFORMATION IN DECISION MAKING ON THE INVESTMENT. A successful investor is not only a person who has surplus money in relation to consumption, but is one who knows how to get the information needed for investment and, moreover, is aware that should or must have a plan to invest .However, before investing one must ask, among other things, that: What are the objectives of the Economy How are money markets and capital and what is its future Is buying shares of this company is suitable or not Is it time to start a business TYPES OF INFORMATION Having referred to above, it is important to have information with regard to investment, same as with an explanatory approach can be divided into: Descriptive .- It is one that provides historical information about the economy, markets or investment vehicles available. Analytical .- Provides current information and recommendations for future potential investments.The following describes the different types of existing information: Economically, politically and social.es-background, forecasts and trends nationally and internationally. About empresas.-Background and statements in light of his penchant corporate and market share. On-Background inversi n. tools and tips on investment securities and properties. About precios.-recent statistics on contributions and investment vehicles. About inversi n. strategies “Recommendations on buying or selling. SOURCES OF INFORMATION. There are different sources of information, some are still relatively free, among which are the mass media call them radio, television, internet, newspapers, magazines and information from the Stock Exchange. In the case of newspapers and magazines are considered a source of free information because they can be consulted in public libraries. There are also sources for reference is necessary to make any outlay. To give continuity to the subject, explains the main sources of both free and paid stock: The current economic information can be obtained from financial publications, newspapers of general information bulletins issued by the institutions, business publications, government publications and special services. Information on companies can be obtained through the reports to shareholders or annual report, which are free. Through comparative information provided by the chambers or associations and subscription services (brokers or specialized companies in the financial sector). Information on alternative instruments may be obtained from reports of brokerage or investment newsletters. Price data are obtained with stock brokers and specialized print media. information on investment strategies can be obtained through information systems and database or through institutional investors. TYPES OF INVESTORS. After completing the classification of the information needed for decision making on investment and its sources, it is convenient to analyze the role and types of existing investors.