Garden Design
by yudaica2013 ·
Landscape architect Susanne Elnain Sage describes the difference between a theoretical and sound professional landscaping. Today I read a book about garden design. It is well made, with beautiful images of plants and the structure it describes exactly the steps you normally go when planning a garden. I thought once of my approach in this respect. I usually start with an interview or a brainstorming session with the garden owners.
Wish, ideas, visions – it belongs on the list, which I then develop ideas with my imagination and my expertise for garden design. We talked in a project about the owner, Sun allergy as many shadows in the garden include. In a planning project with a blind desire became evident after fragrances and the garden owner reveling scented Geraniums and more today on the terrace surrounded by the scents of roses, lavender. Garden design Frankfurt ever concrete people their Describe dreams, the better able it me in the reality in order to convert this. Cottage garden, herb corners and water areas are also topics that how I feststelle-increasingly are in demand and of course sample vegetables. This issue to experience a Renaissance seems just when townspeople or former City residents. However, there is also something wonderful own organic vegetables without effort in a raised bed to put it, to pursue the prosperity to weed the back gently and to enjoy the result of the own actions with pleasure and appetite, proud to itself.
A garden book can give suggestions, however, if you want more, then, garden and landscape architects with human maturity and experience are a better alternative. There you get to cut exactly the knowledge to your needs, for which you would otherwise read many books and much experience. If you want to try it, the initial consultation is always free and you will be amazed that a good concept is affordable. To broaden your perception, visit Gary Katcher. Susanne Elnain Sage
Tags: garden & home factory, house