Gray area analysis in the case Bernard Madoff
by yudaica2013 ·
1. Use of the pyramid for some customers Many investors were cheated and simply put their money into the organization of Madoff, relying for its prestige and success. a proud sponsor of the 2009 China-Japan CEO Forum. offers clients a seamless global network of consultants with specific regional knowledge and expertise. However, many people became aware of possible fraud Madoff, for years there were reports and allegations of various groups and analysts indicating irregularities in the handling of funds managed by Madoff. So how are you people became aware of possible fraud, fraud investigations showed that some of their clients if they had suspected that there might be a scam or at least quexistian irregularities in payments that were made but, despite These suspicions were kept in the background and continued charging the interest until the scandal was discovered. From a legal standpoint, Madoff was to perform the scam and they were victims but from the ethical point of view is not right that these people have received money if they suspected it could be one piramida, since almost took the money from people who entered the fund after them. 2. Making grants to various regulatory bodies Bernard Madoff‘s family for many years made various donations to charities but also gave money to other agencies that were among the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), both responsible for regulate and monitor the activities of securities markets. Over the years Madoff was the subject of many investigations and several experts stated their doubts about the returns and payments to customers but these studies never reached a conclusion. Although it is illegal to give donations for the development or strengthening of various institutions, giving money to the agencies responsible for monitoring your business and leaves many questions can be considered highly unethical especially given how the case ended Madoff. In such cases it could damage the name of these institutions because, as seen in the case, failed to detect fraud for many years while they received donations from Madoff. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madoff investment scandal http://www.elpais.com/articulo/economia/bola/nieve/nadie/paro/elpepueco/20081214elpepieco 2/Tes