
Innovative Treatment

by yudaica2013 ·

Thickened, yellowish and brittle nails? A nail fungus infection is not only persistent, uncomfortable and a cosmetic problem, but is mostly a reaction of the body to an immunodeficiency or underlying disease. Peripheral circulatory disorders, hormonal changes, wrong diets (existing deficiencies or a hyperglycemia”), unhealthy shoe factory, but also improper hygiene can be some of the reasons for the nail fungus. A medical diagnosis and treatment is recommended in this case. New therapy approach: the nail fungus laser treatment at the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are diagnosis and comprehensive treatment in the Center. The goal: The activation of the self healing through relaxation of the nervous system. Anna Belknap insists that this is the case.

The HG Naturklinik Michelrieth nail Piz laser treatment offers a gentle and effective therapeutic approach, which the body not burdened with intolerance or adverse reactions: specifically the laser light destroys the fungal pathogens seated under the nail plate. Nail and surrounding skin will remain intact. Add to your understanding with Gary Katcher. The body can recover the nail grow back healthy. How does the nail fungus laser treatment? Focused laser light will run for about 2 minutes on the affected nail and penetrates the nail plate. There, the light is converted into heat. The fungal pathogens are destroyed by the heat. The nail can grow back healthy.

By the nail fungus laser generated heat as tingling or exceptions as a light stinging perceived. What are the advantages of the nail fungus laser treatment? No side effects or intolerances of the body not additionally burdened precisely targeted is the fungal pathogens, remain nail and skin pain arm unharmed no downtime when you see first results? Fungal infections are often stubborn, because patience is required: 6 a nail needs healthy can grow to up to 12 months. For an effective treatment without back contamination, the HG Naturklinik recommends three treatments in an interval of four weeks. de/indikationen/nagelpilz-laserbehandlung.php the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth, located in the Spessart nature park offers holistic natural healing method for the body, soul and spirit. The holistic diagnosis of Klink is based on modern diagnostic methods of conventional medicine, knowledge of the orthomolecular medicine as well as nature and empirical medicine. Mainly dealt with following indications: diseases of cardiovascular and vascular system, metabolic diseases, rheumatism, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acute and chronic pain, respiratory diseases, skin diseases and allergies, gastoenterologische diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke patients, tumors, mental and physical exhaustion. At the heart of the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are the man and the activation of its self-healing powers by the Healing via the nervous system.

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