Michael Schlimpen
by yudaica2013 ·
3. Continue to learn more with: san-antonio-spurs. German Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine in Wiesbaden, Germany on February 12, 2011, it is again: the German Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine (DSN) opened its doors in Wiesbaden for the 3rd time. Class instead of mass”, the basic idea of this event is in 2011. Already, a first look at the selection of topics and speakers shows that the BDH promises not to much and could attract experts with practical themes for the event. So Peter Germann explains at the Symposium as a naturopathic diagnosis and a then-specific compilation of individual regulations the heart can be strengthened and optimally provided for the vascular system. Katharina Seifert Goeres lit to help patients with psychological problems like anxiety, heartache or dispute with homeopathic remedies. The physiological and unphysiological conditions are natural in the day before Vaginaldysbiosen ways to female well-being”by Michael Schlimpen of the female Genitialtraktes to explain and gentle therapeutic strategies. Markus Opalka shows the versatile and practical diagnosis and therapy possibilities of a chronobiological analysis in his lecture about Chronomedicine.
A recurring theme is certainly the lecture by Siegfried Kamper billing tips”the optimal handling of the schedule of fees for health practitioners. Although the fees is totally outdated and reform would be necessary, can and must cover the naturopath hereby its economic existence. This is only possible if the correct digit combinations are used, a coherent concept of treatment can be with the above diagnoses. Often overlooked is also, in which frequency studies and consultations in addition to other services are billed. This talk alone makes the journey worthwhile to Wiesbaden, because it may mean in the future unexpected additional revenue. At the same time the Symposium largest find Paracelsus-Messe, Germany from February 11-13 Health fair and the VeggieWorld, the first German trade fair for vegetarian instead. Around 300 exhibitors present products and services to stay healthy and be healthy.
The exhibitions are complemented by over 100 lectures on three lecture stage, such as the Forum of osteopathy or the space & time Symposium. As visitors of the Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine (DSN) anyone can participate in the entire program with the purchase of a ticket notice.
Tags: health, medicine & surgery