Music as Speech
by yudaica2013 ·
To the 10 years it was changed for the city to start its studies. It was in the school Gerardo Correa Rasp in Jaguaruana, that appeared the proposal for the formation of a Band of the School. At the first moment it did not have interest in entering the musical life. Two months later, the Band made a presentation in the patio of the school and thus its curiosity for music despertou.
With the explanation that received on saxofone of a classmate, integrant of the Band, the interest of Pablo Jorge arose the point of if interesting to make its registration in the Band of the School. 1991, Pablo Jorge entered the Band to the 19 years as listener, therefore he did not have enough instruments for the new pupils. However, with the exit of integrant of the group of benches of saxofone Pablo it assumes the vacant. The lessons with the Teacher of the Band Eduardo Coast if summarized in the development technician for the execution of instruments, with objective to make the Band to touch the fastest possible, in this way pupils had that to surpass the execution difficulties what it could leave certain gaps in stages for a consistent musical education. The experience lived for Pablo Jorge if does not differ from the many joined ones in people who costumam to participate of Bands of music. In sight of this if it could reflect on a differentiated conception of musical education. Which defended for studious as Swanwick, goes beyond the practical one to play a instrument. ‘ ‘ conception of musical education as one form of cultural studies or social reinforcement tends to result in a very different resume of that it identifies music as a speech form.
Tags: art and science