
Pink Guimaraes

by yudaica2013 ·

Normally who was my grandfather would make this, however velhinho it came of umdefluxo and to get rid itself of the bother it takes remedy hot and not to podiaentrar in frozen water! He is and the deceased would be washed in a stream pertodal! Already he had a good one oitada of people if prontificando there paraajuda them in what he came, since that was not to wash the deceased! The meutio, although not to have as much courage thus, assumed the role as sefosse a specialist in this. How that it would go to run away from the service peranteum good number of people and from mooilas gifts? It was risen numpedestal and with the loaded neck of all its garbosidade, was parao sacrifice! Doishomens had caught the corpse in the room they had brought and it until the wagon. Oburro, pulled that it, looked at for the load and with one to blink of an eye was sassemelhou if to bless it as if it remembered the Pink Guimaraes in deseus stories! He is reading, the case is serious! We human beings do not enxergamosbem the night, we have fear of countenance in the dark one, we imagine you them donkeys we queenxergam the night well! Already you of the one of meeting still more thought if about a beautiful day comuma assombrao and knowing and knowing who it is essadesgraada? We let us leave the racicnio of donkey of the side and go nospacataus-pacataus of the life! Deceased encarroado rank and. Odois, my grandfather and my uncle, had gone up in the wagon and had followed in direction aoriacho! In one timo had arrived. The case deserved urgency. Although estarmorto, it deserved a special attention, would be the host of casanaquela day and during all night would be in the center of the wanted room receiving aspessoas.


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