Roman Mosaic
by yudaica2013 ·
What associations do the modern inhabitant metropolis with the word "mosaic"? Usually, the first time people remember the principle of drawing a picture of the small fragmented pieces, then pop up baby memories of the plastic studs are inserted into the plate with holes, and finally submitted to the magnificent palaces with floors and walls, lined with bright and timeless mosaic patterns. Mosaic, the technique of decorating residential and public buildings, became a symbol of wealth and artistic taste back in the ancient world. And there were born the very same images of the mysterious and rich palatial suites with the play of light and color to the mosaic paintings. Probably first mosaic evolved almost accidentally, when the remnants of a building stone filled streets and courtyards of the buildings, and due to variations of colors and sizes were produced chaotic pattern. With the development of culture of the organization of residential space and the improvement of technologies of stone and gradually developed a tradition of putting some pieces of stone patterns of correct and incorrect forms. The first "golden age" of mosaic art – it is an epoch Ancient Rome, when military power and economic power of a great empire demanded worthy of artistic means of expression and praise. Roman mosaics were not just worthy, they have survived for many centuries Empire, and contributed significantly to modern understanding of the life of that era, the more that the plot for the mosaics became a mythological images and characters, and genre scenes of gladiatorial combat, theater stories and episodes of hunting, domestic life.