Spirit And Life – The Online Magazine
by yudaica2013 ·
Astrology – esotericism – Tarot – health – lifestyle of the online magazine spirit & life is a project of spiritual for spiritually interested from the Westerwald/victory publishing. Founder and initiator of the spirit & life project is Stephanie Kirchner. Spirit & life offers a comprehensive and differentiated range of information about astrology, spirituality, mysticism and Tarot reader interested. The page lives of profound scrutinized and discussed. We attach special importance to combine tradition and culture with modernity. He was interested readers not just superficial details, but your own experience reports, informational life help and background information on the respective specialty of the spiritual author finds in the articles. The Oracle survey has a deep tradition.
It is used by many cultures and is to dismantle a hugely popular method on the one hand, the tension of a situation and to understand on the other hand the higher sense of self and to recognize. To the most popular media of the Oracle survey obviously heard the Cartomancy. Many psychics use the Lenormand, Kipper cards, sometimes even Skat cards. On our website you will find a Declaration and description to each individual card. These cards also Oracle – or charge cards is called. Tarot cards are more popular media for the future show. The most famous are the rider-Waite Tarot and the Crowley Tarot.
Andrea Kellinger from Upper Austria has written interesting articles for our spirit & life – page. Of course, we have a monthly horoscope updates of our top astrologer Stephanie Kirchner. Also, check out a year horoscope and a general astrological year horoscope, exclusively written for visitors to the Web site by you for each zodiac sign. On the website of spirit & life, there is a special section for the topic of health, alternative therapies and nutrition. Here, the visitor gets free info on many different areas. We have an interesting article by Kristie. She is Reiki, ThetHealer and ThetHealing teacher. Also, she makes movies that touch on social issues and have positive messages for the world. In her article, she describes a by you and evolved method that you want to show us how our thoughts affect our environment. The article explains explains a bit, like ThetHealing works. The article “The art of manifesting” was published here in the United States in a magazine.” It offers different theme evenings on: manifesting, money, relationships and the way of life. In the evenings of conversation it comes how negative beliefs hinder us in, to find the right partners; the journey to find; to realize our dreams. It comes that there are many negative beliefs around money. I’m talking about, how can these beliefs come and we change them for the better.” For esoteric service providers, our project is a good way of advertising. The spiritual editors and authors can themselves and their work on one apply known and exclusive platform. We publish articles about many different fields: clairvoyance, fortune telling, gems, aura soma, spirituality, Angels, karma… and much, much more.If you are interested and watch your ideas to our project, we are pleased your Stephanie Kirchner upon your request information at
Tags: astrology & esotericism