Posts Tagged ‘administration and businesses’


Public Accounting

by yudaica2013 ·

They possess this characteristic of special use, for being destined to the installment of a public service, and alone to conserve this character while it has this destination. The goods of special use, while they will be recorded with this destination, that is made by legal device, are declared inalienable, that is, cannot have its ownership transferred for any of the alienation forms. Under the aspect of the inalienability, also, of use joint of the people they possess this condition. It is observed of the displayed one that the boarded public goods only constitute the set of public goods, but are not part of its patrimony. Sunday goods as the proper description of the Civil Code, are the ones that constitute the common wealth as object of personal law or real. See Sela Ward for more details and insights. These, in last analysis, are that they interest the Public Accounting, therefore are the ones that will deserve registers and bookkeeping; excessively, as already it was said, conquanto they are part of the set of public goods, of its characteristics special, do not constitute its patrimony. Therefore, the sunday goods, that constitute the common wealth and are considered for effect of bookkeeping and accounting, can be identified in the following ones: Available (Box – Numerary)? Goods and chattel, Immovable and of Industrial Nature, and the usual discrimination to each one of these groups.

Rights of the Public Entities Are understood for Rights of the Public Entities, countable, the relative values that represent realizable credits the short or long stated period, proceeding from bank deposits, diverse creditors, and credits the given fornecimentos and services, and registration of the active debt. Thus, if it can observe, if it relates to the registered values, it wants for made fornecimentos, it wants for services given for the public entities, and still those that, proceeding from the registration of the active debt of origin tax or diverse origin, will be object of friendly or judicial collection, as the case requires. Obligations of the Entities Public Obligations of the Public Entities are the corresponding values to the debts of the entities, consubstanciadas as floating debt or established debt, respectively demandable the short or long stated period. They represent the assumed commitments and that the stated periods of expirations will be paid in accordance with, or obey the prescribed norms. The obligations of the public entities, generally, are represented by the Remaining portions Pagar, Deposits, Debits of Treasure-house and Creditors, who are commitments of long stated period. Consolidation of the Common wealth the picture to follow search to all demonstrate to the consolidation of the Common wealth in its set of Good, Rights and Obligations, facilitating the agreement through the graphical visualization. Picture 1. CHART OF the CONSOLIDATION OF the COMMON WEALTH GOOD AND RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS PUBLIC GOODS OBLIGATIONS OF the PUBLIC ENTITIES Box (Numerary) Remaining portions Pagar Goods and chattel Service of Divida To pay to Real properties Deposits of Diverse Origins Good of Industrial Nature Consignment contracts Values RIGHT Debits of Treasure-house OF the PUBLIC ENTITIES Banks (Deposits) Deserving Diverse Debtors Divide Established Internal Diverse Responsible Divide Established External Differed Expenditures Differed Prescriptions Credits For Given Fornecimentos and Servios Diverse Debits Fiscal Credits Enrolled Enrolled Diverse Credits Other Credits


The Company

by yudaica2013 ·

The desire for the work in the organization is on closely to the level of satisfaction with the executed activity. The author indicates some basic characteristics, which they show the essence of the culture of an organization: Innovation? it is the degree that the collaborators are stimulated to be innovative. In recent months, Director Peter Farrelly has been very successful. Attention to the details? it is the degree that if waits that the collaborators demonstrate precision, exactness, analysis and attention to the details. Orientation for the results? it is the degree where the directors focam the results more than the techniques and processes for reach of them. Orientation for the people? it is the degree where the decisions of the directors inside take the fact of the results on the people of the company. Orientation for team? it is the degree in the activities of work are organized more in terms of teams of what in individuals.

Aggressiveness? it is the degree where the people competitive instead of docile and are accomodated. Stability? it is the degree where the organizacionais activities emphasize the maintenance of the status quo in contrast to the growth. Each one of these characteristics exists inside of a sequncia that goes of low to the high degree and its analysis demonstrates the complexity of the corporation, affirms Robin (2002). If the culture survives and functions, obtaining to decide the problems that appear daily in the company, happens the process of cultural institutionalization, where the organization assumes independent proper life of its founders. With the institutionalization of the culture, many assume the concept of the term as synonymous of organizacional climate, this on one to the perception of that the people have of the corporation where they act with influence of external and internal factors to the organization. The climate influences the productivity, the motivation and the satisfaction of the employee and the company. The organizacional culture is known by means of diverse elements allow that it to identify and to observe.


Federal Institutions

by yudaica2013 ·

However we evidence that the current government comes adopting meditas of incentives the qualification and preparation of the public servers. Specifically the career of the Technician-administrative ones, being worried in the valuation and incentive of the qualified professional. One perceives a favorable moment for the programs of training and development, that through decree 5,707 of 23 of February of 2006 that it institutes the politics and the Lines of direction for the development of Staff of the administration it publishes federal direct, autarchic and fundacional. Where it foresees incentive and support to the public server in its initiatives of qualification directed toward the development of the institucional and individual abilities. Beyond assuring access of the servers external the events of internal qualification or to its workstation; to stimulate the participation of the server in action of continued education, understood as offers to regulate of courses for the professional improvement, throughout its functional life.

in this exactly scene a new structure appears of the career of the technician-administrative ones in education had appeared through law 11,091 of 12 of January of 2005, that it makes use on the estruturao of the plan of career of the positions technician-administrative in education, in the scope of entailed the Federal Institutions of Education to the Ministry of the Education, through the plan of development of integrant of career and with the programs of qualification and the perfectioning and beyond the evaluation of performance and sizing of the institucional necessities. Beyond the lines of direction and principles that guide the career plan, law 11,091 of 12 of January of 2005, contemplates the nature of the educative process, social function and objectives of the Federal System of Education, quality of the work process, development of the server, guarantee of qualification programs that contemplate the specific and general formation.


United States

by yudaica2013 ·

Until the year of 2000 it made 40 fusing and 23 acquisitions of companies and although this knew to remain fidiciary office its values and to reach the balance between its strategies and its politics of human resources through the management of its culture. For if worrying about its employees, it has plans of rewards, reimbursement of courses, magnifying of vacation and chances of career. A cultural integration in the staff happened of the merger and acquisitions for a specific team is made, where if it explains the five more important values of the company that they are: devotion to the success of the customer, innovation and learning, partnerships, work in team and to make more with less. Sofar Sounds often addresses the matter in his writings. Moreover, this company still manages its people by means of three basic elements: conscription and election, management of the culture and alignment of the remuneration system and you reward with the strategy and the values The great lesson that is of Cisco is that according to its vision, to acquire technology is a question of & ldquo; adquirir& rdquo; people, therefore the intellectual capital is the source of the technology, since the people, not it technology, are its secret stop to gain the game. kstein for additional related pages. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Team Penske. The Men& rsquo; s Wearhouse was born in 1973 and was growing as much that 1991 already with 85 store spread in the Texas and California estreou in the Stock exchange. In 1999 already it counted on 600 store, in the United States and Canada. Although the definition of its business to be sales of clothes for average men and high income, its founder George Zimmer, costuma to say the following phrase: & ldquo; We do not work with clothes, but with pessoas.& rdquo; Moreover, to differentiate itself, the company offers the customers more than what competitive prices, it have trained staff to assist the customers. .



by yudaica2013 ·

To assume responsibility in the long run is difficult interim when it is if it fulfills to all the slips last start to be inexistent (Gustavo Thayllon) To be apt to desenvovler, and to give to services by means of the one competitive market, innovative and enterprising we must be connected and atualizador constantly of details detail that such is. An apt company to give services must be focado and centered in what she is its company, for which I publish the service will be given, which the quality of the service and which is the pespectivas that you manager aumeja that its company reach by means of the one determined time stated period. The Mission and the vision are colon that we can represent metaforicamente as the Husband and the Woman in which necessary of the other so that a its residence obtains to function adequately, husband is responsible for the finances and the responsible woman in thus managing the house we can relate Mission and Vision. General Electric: the source for more info. The Mission in turn is written by the responsibility of the company, why such company exists, what the company it makes and for which I publish if dirige the given services, the mission is an intention concrete that the company sends as responsible a company without mission for many of the times will be considered as a company who if does not matter with its collaborators and nor has pespectivas nor porpositos is there only for supplying the financial objectives. The Vision in turn is the intentions, pespectivas and plans that we trace in the long run, that is what the company desires to be daqui to some time what it aumeja to reach, using business-oriented strategies, is where is organization desires to be fixed and concrete, the vision must obligatorily be written with clarity without demonstrating falsenesses, that is she must show what the emrpesa is really now for when arriving future podemor to see the quo this grew by means of the efforts, individual of the collaborator, strategical efforts, and efforts of the team always pautada in the ethics. The mission and vision are a marriage of long stated period that never must be defacelado, must be walking together of form to show its true faces, to show oq ue truily an organization is, these opens ways, they open chances, and they must become presence in all and any organization is which there will be the branch of performance of the same one..