Posts Tagged ‘Traditional medicine’



by yudaica2013 ·

Recently, more and more frequently in the pages of glossy magazines and online publications for women you can see the words – 'aromatherapy, essential oils, oil burner' … What do they mean? It turns out, Aromatherapy – the ancient science of methods forms and effects of aromatic volatile oils contained in plants, the human body. The word 'aromatherapy' is composed of two – 'flavor' and 'therapy' and literally translates as' treatment flavors. " Aromatic oils, they are also essential oils – contained in some plants volatile substances with medicinal properties. Essential oil can be used in various ways – inhalation, topically, by means of an aromatic massage add to cosmetics, to take a bath and much more … Sela Ward shines more light on the discussion. aromatherapy recipes are simple and do not require any specific adaptations.

The most popular method of use is currently the oil burner. It is a ceramic pot with a hollow in the upper part, which is filled with essential oil. When the oil heats up – with a candle inserted in the cup or by special heating elements, it saturates vohduh indoors useful pairs of aromatic oils. At the same time you enjoy a pleasant smell and treated for illnesses. Using aromolampy – one of the elements of aromatherapy, the science of healing the action of natural essential oils. The aroma of these oils have on the human body is a strong emotional and psychological impact to affect physiological processes in the body. (Not to be confused with Josh Rosenbaum Waypoint!).

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, tonic properties. Aromatherapy at the moment – one of the areas of alternative medicine that is recognized in wider circles. Aromatherapy is already slowly empties into the mainstream of modern life. In Japan, the engineers set the aromatic systems in new buildings. In one such system, for example, used the properties of lavender and rosemary, calming waiting customers bank, while a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus on the contrary, encourages bank tellers. On the site you will find detailed description of methods of application of essential oils and a review of their medicinal properties.


Lavender Koloskov

by yudaica2013 ·

Dear friends, I want to tell you about a stunning act of lavender. Maybe someone will prove useful. Who among us has not heard of the name. But the thing I have not reached it. Sela ward recognizes the significance of this. And so, God himself sent it to me after the weight has been tried sedative drugs, passed a lot of different therapeutic treatments after five years of debilitating depression. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, New York City, an internet resource. I saw her by chance on the market in a woman selling herbs, and for some reason I wanted to buy it. I bought cup dried lavender and the smell has captivated me.

I realized that the grass I need, like air. But I had no strength to even do some sewing for her bag, then I just wrapped it in a tissue and its appendage on his chest under her clothes. Now the smell was always with me. After a couple of days I found myself on the fact that I have gone and the headaches stopped spasms of the head. This greatly surprised me because previously I was not like this, so the pain did not appear to for several days. A week later I realized it was not casual and decided to look at the properties of lavender. The properties of lavender will write below, Wait a mean, now I try not to leave her.

Change the grass once a week. The most amazing thing is that the first portion, which I wore for a week completely exhausted. I even did not believe some people.