
The Big Diet Madness

by yudaica2013 ·

Already a nutrition helps many civilization diseases Sinspelt-02.01.2010 – In 2007, the author Jutta Schutz diagnosis got type 2 diabetes. Because she is not a friend of medications, has long researched the author and had to realize at the end that this disease diabetes is a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry, doctors and dietitians. Even many nutritionists today concerns the profit. And many sick people become dependent on products and companies. Jutta Schutz needs until today no medicines for diabetes. She encountered a nutrition, called low carb, which means that restricting carbohydrates a day in food. It is actually quite simple in principle, on any food carbohydrates are there no calorie counts. “This nutrition information about them in the book: carbohydrates, no thank you” a revolutionary food.

This book is in the today’s Ernahrungsdschungel a useful, scientific, but legible even for the layman Guide to learn quickly and comprehensively about this form of nutrition. It provides an overview of the readers in a very short time and the book provides a solid foundation of information also. Very often, such books are very theoretical and difficult to read. Jutta Schutz writes here but”a small guide, who is notable for his loose language, where you immediately understand what the deal is. Carbohydrates, thank you ISBN 978-3-86850-318-0 Publisher: tredition, Hamburg, euro: 7.99 book is available also as an e-book. You can conveniently pay such e-books (by tredition-Verlag) by direct debit, credit card or PayPal secured book shop. After a few seconds, the manual for you to download will unlock. Buyer can download the book as often as desired if e.g. It’s believed that Christo sees a great future in this idea. the file on your own computer has accidentally deleted. Press contact: Jutta Schutz In the midfield Bruchsal D-76698

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