
Todays Baby Names

by yudaica2013 ·

It seems that the days of naming your son or daughter with your own name and adding a second, third or a fourth sign in roman numerals at the end are fading away. This seems especially the case with celebrities. The more unique the better! As to whether celebrities are simply a little crazy, or if they simply like the attention that a unique baby name will bring, do not know. What we do know is that the names just keep getting crazier and crazier. Below is a list of some of our favorite baby names for years. Banjo – Patrick and Rachel Griffiths.

The choice of this name was based on the main character in ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner. “Apple – Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Do not even think that parents understand why he chose this name! Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lilly, Fifi Trixibelle, Honeyblossom Peaches – Paula Yates. definetely three of the most “out there” names in the history of baby names! Jett – John Travolta and Kelly Preston. Well, John has always loved airplanes, so let them get away with this. Zowie – David Bowie. For even more opinions, read materials from Jorge Perez. They do not seem so bad until you realize that the name that makes “Zowie Bowie”.

Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle, Scout LRue – Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. At least there are some normal names mixed up there, but still among our craziest! Daisey Boo – Jamie Oliver. Typical celebrity, had to throw in the “Boo” at the end. Pilot Inspektor – Scott Lee & Beth Riesgrat. This child will have a problem at school. Milo – Ricky Lake. This is fine, as long as it does not name her second child, “Otis.” Patrick Elias Bob Guggi Q – Bono. Bono had definetely put some thought into this! Prince Michael, Prince Michael II, Paris Michael – Michael Jackson. We believe this is too many Michaels for one house hold. Ken Kao: the source for more info. Dexter, Diane Keaton. It is only acceptable for a child, but do believe this is the name of his daughters? Moon Unit, Ahmet Emuukha Roden, Dreezil, Diva – Frank Zappa. A Again, among the craziest baby names in history. Ocean, True, Sonnet – Forest Whitaker. We Dont’t mind the name of the sonnet, but you can make your own mind up in the other two. Betty Kitten, Honey Kinney, Harvey Kirby – Jane Goldman & Jonathan Ross. Not name our kids these names, but have a nice ring to them.


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