

by yudaica2013 ·

stressful but fun mission in the neighboring country, where I had the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, and making friends with the best known, the fate of agreeing with Paul that we prepared the agenda and James. As a story this year are more conversations in the Centro Gallego de Lisboa (where I sneaked along with Iago, with the complicity of James and Paul), with Alberto N ez Feijoo, a visit to Silk that night, and withdrawal at 2:00 am with a glass top to the hotel where the Regional Minister of Industry had the misfortune to meet Iago and me (something we had talked at the Centro Gallego), so we attacked him half an hour, talking the consolidation of a delegation from the Xunta in Lisbon, the eiminaci n of the axudas for companies ….., until we exhausted, the man without a tie and descamisao. The next day we came down to breakfast, knowing smiles and handshakes with several Regional Minister and Albert. After two hours of the entire mission meeting with them again, and when meeting food again, squeezing more and farewell, and we call Alberto at com. Let that Javier and Alberto have seen more than some members of the mission, and talked more than most. Salida del Centro Gallego Galaico-Luso Manifesto for the permanence of workers in Lisbon Xunta steadily, to boost the market lusgo-Galician. With Albert at the Centro Gallego (buff, left. To right., Abc Bea, Bea IGAPE, Extensa Mary James of Abn Portugal, Miguel, Agnes (Camara Luso-Spanish), Alberto, Pablo, I do not remember the names of the latest girls but I think they were from the xuventude galegos.

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