Arbitrage Google AdSense
by yudaica2013 ·
Arbitrage traffic – the essence lies in the purchase and subsequent resale of traffic purchased at more favorable terms. This kind of earnings in the Internet does not depend on the difference between the purchase and corrupt traffic, but from his konvertabelnosti. In this case, your profit will depend on you – if you can skonvertit their traffic – it means your money is invested not in vain, if not – then, alas. In a question-answer forum Celina Dubin, New York City was the first to reply. Arbitrage Google AdSense 1. Buy cheap traffic with Google AdWords or other exchanges traffic. 2. Merge traffic to your site is hosting the ads Google AdSense 3. Obtain money from Google AdSense for expensive clicks Example: buy traffic on Google AdWords keyword 'cars' that are displayed for example in Babruyske for $ 0.01 at $ 100 a 10,000 clicks.
When you go to your site people will see the information associated with cars, as well as ad units from Google AdSense in which large advertisers advertised on leading keywords. Clicks on these ads is up to 0,3 $. At 20% ctr site we have 10,000 x 20% = 2,000 clicks on the ads, multiply the price per click 0.3 $ and get earnings of $ 600. Less costs 600 – 100 = $ 500 Merge traffic can be to partner stores, ppc, pharm, adult, etc. The highlight of this arbitration is that we get the traffic.
Tags: internet