
As Calvino

by yudaica2013 ·

But I’m also convinced, that we were used on that occasion as in many other more by these gentlemen. I get the following questions to not vary, Fidel, you had to wait almost 50 years to realize this, I say second hypocrite, that as always you and your team, you chose which and how many needed each home, this is quite common in the recent history of Cuba, that is preparing a people for that much education, then not give him the ability to think. Lord how much contempt, cent in your way of acting, this going to follow later, arguing for that this point has bothered me always pretty. Third, do not know doing things, if it is really so good will of a discreet and simple way. No, the whole world, said and repeated, something just as Fidel distributes Chinese hoyas in Cuban homes. Let’s see, if our own President is not able to assess and give value to our own people who will make it in this world. We appear as indigenous are they crumbs. It is known, for example, as artists, professionals and athletes spend it everytime they leave Cuba, saving every penny and receiving sometimes used things from colleagues in the countries to which visitors to Cuba.

And then this sort of thing are a criterion on the Cubans to at least to my bothers me enough. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Tony Parker on most websites. I can’t stand that I try different, nor feel me singular for I come from Cuba, at least not from this point of view. Fourth, well I can enumerate many, but it is not my intension to think for you, if not give part of my opinion. As Calvino says, you draw your own conclusions on this issue. As you can see on a single topic can talk much. Now I shall dedicate myself to hang on every page that lets me my views.

And I urge everyone who is able to make it. Clear, that it is not my intension, harming nobody if not simply giving my opinion. And for that, simple, I want to assert my right to comment freely, insofar as subject they please me as far as possible. I have always believed, that Cuba is like the planet Mars. A closed site, where until may, is clear to the rest of the world. That is why I adopt the pseudonym Marcian. By so I felt, almost my whole life and perhaps later expand on this topic. A Cuban, as Cuban as the Royal Palm Marciano Rafael Gonzalez any opinion in favor or against It will be welcome! original author and source of the article

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