Bertie Apartment
by yudaica2013 ·
Diego Bertie, is right to say that all who follow him, would be stupid. Clear because you can not take it in game, and with sarcastic bramas, the fate of a country. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jay A Schwartz. Now Jaime wants to appear as victim, to say that the owner of the channel is not agree with that use its programme to launch his presidential candidacy. This behavior evidence, that he wants to awaken more expectation on those who follow him. After seeing this whole scenario political, a bit chistosito; I realize that anyone can be a candidate for the Presidency. So much so I realize, now, that to my has also gotten me the desire to be President. Why not? Be perfectly that the destiny of a country is not thing of game, and that the matter is well complicated.
I’m a musician diploma in theology, living in his small apartment of 54 square meters, in the Lince district with his wife, we do not have children, and nothing to hide. My life is completely transparent. I believe, and I am sure that there is something that all candidates for the Presidency, cannot avoid, and this is: maintain their economic status after the end of his term as President. If I came to power with a small apartment of 54 square meters, when I finish my mandate, I will continue to live in that small apartment; and it is not not have ambition for self-improvement; what I don’t have is ambition of unjust enrichment. Suddenly, perhaps, who knows; saving of President, over time salary can buy a better Department, but without leaving the modesty.
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