Carlyle Group The
by yudaica2013 ·
Carlyle Group The Carlyle Group is a management firm capital investment funds, which manages funds over 81,100 million U.S. dollars. The company was founded in 1987 by William E. Conway Jr., Daniel A. D’Aniello and David M. Rubenstein, and is headquartered in Washington DC. The Carlyle Group manages 57 funds that operate through purchase transactions, venture and growth capital, real estate investment and financing in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. The firm has over 575 employees, being present in all major regions of the world through its network of 31 offices in 21 countries. Since 1987, Carlyle has invested more than 37,700 million of capital in 737 transactions with a purchase value exceeding 213,100 million.Carlyle operates in numerous sectors such as aerospace, automotive, transportation, consumption and trade, energy generation and distribution, health, industry, technology, business services, telecommunications and media. It is also the eleventh largest defense contractor in the world, and arms in most unstable parts of the world. Carlyle-owned companies employ more than 286,000 people worldwide and generated revenues of 87.000 billion. Carlyle has more than 1,200 investors from 68 countries. The firm is distinguished by the significant number of world-renowned political figures you use. Some of these guests have been George HW Bush and his Secretarioa of State James A. Baker III, Frank Carlucci, was minister of defense under Ronald Reagan and deputy director of the CIA, which has generated controversy over allegations of conflicts of interest.