Cinema Audio
by yudaica2013 ·
RECIFE/the 2009 cinema is audiovisual art e, however, nor always was considered as such. The advent of the cinematograph, first device to register and to project in a bulkhead series of fotogramas creating the movement illusion, did not come folloied of a mechanism of sound reproduction. Actress has firm opinions on the matter. Not that the idea did not exist. The phonograph, device that registered and reproduced sounds, already had been invented in 1877, eighteen years before the sprouting of the cinematograph. Thomas Edison, its inventor, already spoke, in 1887, in the invention of a mechanism that joined the auditory reproduction to the appearance of synchronized form.
But it did not have, still, development technician the sufficient for such. In the first years, it was tried to make the cinema to speak of diverse forms. Since the use of phonograph (a failure therefore the voices of the actors were not synchronized with the images) until the use of true actors who were for backwards of the screens, dublando the film. How much to music and the sonorous effect, then they had appeared orchestras that folloied the cinematographic sessions, complementing the images. She is clear, since early, the intention of if joining the sound synchronized with the image in the cinema and that it was only frustrated in the principle for adequate the half lack of the technician. E, however, when in 1927 the sonorous cinema was inaugurated, in the entire world had come out protests in the cinematographic way against the use it sound in the films. The spite of the great popular success that the sound brought, in the half intellectual: some supported, others many had ojeriza and feared the said cinema.
Tags: art and science