Dali Museum
by yudaica2013 ·
They were all weekend in Barcelona. The uncle took them to know the surroundings. Cadaquez they were to visit the Dali Museum. They were amazed with the sacred family, Gaudi. They could not understand, how, a work of this magnitude, and that beauty was not who funded its finish. Both came amazed with all the works of Gaudi in general. Which he had hit them two more, had been the Pedrera. She was so extraordinarily rare, thought, that its beauty exceeded all that rarity.
They returned to Madrid with the certainty of not being so alone in that country. They had found a family. When Alex had already begun their studies are encouraged to call their parents for the first time. I felt so safe in this country! He moved so freely in it, who didn’t think that there could be some danger. When Kelly handled the phone and recognized the voice of Alex, she was shocked. Did not expect that call but God knows how much needed it!.
Listen to the voice of his son on the other side of the phone was like receiving a direct gift from God’s hands. Do not Pro-Nuncio name with voice trembling and gasping with emotion when told how are you?-. She didn’t know well that ask. She didn’t know if he could speak freely. You never knew if their phones had been tapped. Does Alex, on the other hand, without any fear asked him how are you MOM?-Kelly was still not want to pronounce his name. From where call me?- It was the only thing that dared to say. -From Madrid, MOM. Please do not be more afraid. Speak to me calmly. 3 Years have passed. I do not think that the phones are tapped yet, if that they were ever– I cannot speak, not expecting me llamaras and I feel paralyzed– I understand you MOM.
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