Economic imperialism
by yudaica2013 ·
This week stock quotes is key for Metalurgica Union Obrera de la Republica Argentina, stock symbol UOMRA since, with its leader Antonio Calo to the head, on Wednesday called on the Ministry of Labor to join the chambers of the metallurgical, seeking to reach agreement wage on the joint 2009 and request a 22 or as reported by John Green, the assistant secretary, if you do not reach a reasonable agreement, called a national strike day of activities June 17, 2009, which will include various demonstrations point of Argentina. U.S. economic imperialism is to bring the country to borrow that bind to large debts, the establishment of subsidiaries in developing countries for cheap labor, control over the policies of those countries dependent and the installation of compliant price stock governments who are willing to sign unfair treaties for free raw materials to the global market needs, the purchase of state enterprises so that the developing country itself, and free trade agreements exempting these companies to pay customs in those countries. ‘The U.S. economy needs the minerals in Latin America such as the lungs need air, “said Eduardo Galeano in’70, and would add that the U.S. does not only rely on Latin America but from all other underdeveloped countries. The National Security Doctrine suggests that any attempt at independence of these countries dominated posed a risk to the economy of the U.S. economy and identified with ‘national security’. The reports said that Kissinger called NSSM200 population growth in the underdeveloped capitalist countries increased the risk of the emergence of an independence movement. Throughout the twentieth century the U.S. has used various means, sometimes horrific, to ensure that unit. The School of the Americas, the coups, invasions, but also loans and birth control are some of the measures by which the U.S. believed to perpetuate their rule.
IMF, WB, IDB: The International Monetary Fund to liberalize trade, forced into credits, wage freezes and discourage public activity state. The program adds strong devaluations, stimulating internal concentration of capital in favor of the ruling classes and facilitating the absorption of domestic companies from those coming from outside with a fistful of dollars in suitcases. ” Throughout Latin America, the system produces much less of it needs to consume, and inflation is that structural powerlessness. But the IMF does not attack the causes of the inadequate supply of equipment for the production, but his spear cavalry charges against the consequences, even more crushing capacity of the narrow domestic market consumption, “an excessive demand on these lands would be hungry because of inflation. ” Their formulas have not only failed in the stabilization and development, but also intensified the stranglehold of foreign countries, have increased the misery of the masses dispossession, putting red-hot social tensions, and have precipitated the economic denationalization and financial, to the influence of the sacred commandments of free trade, free competition and free movement of capital. The U.S., which employ a vast system of protectionism (tariffs, quotas, domestic subsidies), have never received the slightest observation of the the stock market IMF. Born in the USA, based in the U.S. and the service of the U.S., the Fund operates as an international inspector. The World Bank, the Agency for International Development and other agencies “PHILANTHROPIC” universal in scope also affects their credits to the signing and enforcement stock quote of letters of intent from the exchange government before the all-powerful body. All Latin American countries fail to add together half of the votes at their disposal to guide U.S. policy in this stock market supreme makerof monetary equilibrium in the world: the IMF was established to institutionalize the dominance of Wall Street Financial on the planet when at the end of the second war the stock dollar opened stock trading its hegemony as stock prices an international currency. Technological and financial blackmail is very unfair competition and free of strong versus weak. USA take care of their domestic savings but have the others. The thousands of branches of U.S. banks south of the Rio Grande used to divert the savings into Latin American businesses operating in the region.
See also: Crisis Argentina 2001
The machinery manufacturers face serious disadvantages in the international market prices, according to Commerce Department confesses in the U.S., “unless they can take advantage of more liberal funding that can be obtained under the various aid programs.” and this is the case of loans that the Inter-American Development Bank grants from its Fund for Special Operations. But the United States, or its Latin American subsidiaries of corporations, vendors are always chosen in the contracts. IDA loans, the Eximbank and most of the IDB, also requires that at least half the shipment is carried out in American flag vessels .
Using slave labor in China by subsidiaries of U.S. multinationals: Business toys scattered in the Asian countries are based on child labor, whose output is purchased without the concern with whether or manufacturing conditions for multinational companies as of origin Walt Disney, Nike McDonald ‘sy.
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