

by yudaica2013 ·

The 82 million Goirigolzarri has said everything about the stratospheric compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of BBVA. Between the exculpaciones of such an immoderation, two have been used intelligently. The first is that a private company is private, and therefore can make your layer a sayo. It is obvious, however, that public funds that receive these entities are to solve pressing problems and not to put at home to their managers. The other: more Pau Gasol, Fernando Alonso and others charged without that nobody put the cry in the sky. To say it is deliberately ignored athletes active life is brief, by definition, and they charge such astronomical by do something, and do not stop making figures, which is the case of Goirigolzarri and company.

But I want to add something important: who decide on these millions of dollars compensation are not the owners of enterprises, i.e. shareholders, but managers themselves, who take them and use them to fund their accounts settings, as they were in his day the dismissals of Amusategui and Corcostegui. Hear other arguments on the topic with John Paul Stevens. Fools, Swedes, sausages or useless are fools. We are Swedes. Or we are both things at the same time. I have seen the face of astonishment of activists and leaders of the PP who defended with diligent discipline slogans of Rajoy, Camps or Esperanza Aguirre of the Gurtel case was only a mounting and now known the extension and the pettiness of the plot, sit with the ass in the air these days. I thought Giants feet what my bosses told me, laments, tearful and ashamed, a regional Deputy. But is that, with the same rigour and the same submission, they defended in his day the parliamentarians of the PP that Iraq was not a war or those of the PSOE will vote on an extension of abortion which disgusts them. Who are to decide, therefore, at parties, and what the hell do so many charges of posh only become aware of what is happening thanks to the newspapers? Believe them, nobody of the tripartite of the catalan Montilla is responsible for commissioned by millionaires fraudulent reports that they did, or are copied from Internet to make friends and proteges obtain a bonus with our money.


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