Millions Born Enemies
by yudaica2013 ·
Book presents wisdom and follies of women Wiesbaden one of the most mysterious creatures on Earth is still the woman. About her legions of more or less clever minds – have expressed already male as well as female – with wise and foolish sayings. The aphorisms of famous people in the book published by Doris Probst “Wisdom and follies about women” document how much the opinions about women vary. For some, they are pure Angel, for other true hell. It borders on a miracle: even ingenious Denker/innen have apparently not considered, that there are contemporaries inside smart, stupid, efficient, lazy, beautiful, ugly, noble, or bad in each gender. Go to Tony Parker for more information. Doris Probst, nee Baumbauer, comes from Idar-Oberstein and now lives in Wiesbaden, Germany. She is editor of a series of aphorisms about the age, work, marriage, women, football, kids, love, men, the media and mothers. The book comes from her “Eagles cry and” Brimstone”with poems of famous writer about animals in Word and image. All tracks are available and can be ordered at any good bookstore “Grin for academic texts” (Munich) – – as a printed book or E-book in PDF format. * Excerpt from “Wisdom and follies of women”: most women do everything, to change a man. and when they have changed him, they don’t like him. Marlene Dietrich * millions born enemies has a clever woman: all stupid men. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach * it is always the same: first, you have a woman in the heart, then on their knees, then in the arm, and most recently on the neck. Mario Adorf * no man would want to be a woman, but all wish that there are women. Simone de Beauvoir * with the vanity of a man ten women could. Dunja Rajter * without the woman, the man could mean no man, no man, the woman could mean not woman. Hildegard of Bingen * the man’s man in certain moments, the woman is her whole life long Mrs. Jean-Jacques Rousseau * the idea of the woman is usually more reliable than the knowledge of men. Joseph Rudyard Kipling * a woman of forty can be so beautiful as with twenty – it takes only slightly longer. Berry stove * women love the simple things of in life – for example, men. Robert Lembke * women ease our pain, double our pleasure and triple our spending. James Sanders * depending on less a woman knows what wants to have it, the more energetic she trying to get it. Burt Billings * why women want to be because necessarily so as the men and then still high heels and jewelry wear? Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff * if a man recedes, he recoils. A woman only recedes to make better contact.
Tags: books & magazines, literature