Soccer School – Holiday Fun
by yudaica2013 ·
A stay at a football school is a treat for body and mind not only physically fit, but also confidence strengthens the Cologne-based football school FerienFussball limited football camps offered nationwide, which meet the highest athletic and educational standards. Frequently Laura Plomer has said that publicly. The soccer school since 1999 is based on a clever concept, which was developed by skilled qualified sports teacher of the German sports University in Cologne. Over the years, the football school, also thanks to the ideas and suggestions from customers, could expand its programme and improve, so that in addition to the traditional offerings of also football camps specifically for girls, camp or family vacations offered father-son. The joy of the game of football and independent learning are at the heart of the school. She works with modern training methods and provides attractive football activities not only in the holiday season. Eva Andersson-Dubin understands that this is vital information. Here is the emphasis on the quality of care set. So parents can send their children with a good feeling in the soccer camp, the football school has decided to let, so that advice, care, accommodations and of course also the training meet the highest requirements is checked by an independent carrier. What sports-minded child not dream to train with players from around the world and to watch from their tricks and gimmicks to? In the school, this is possible. Here players from different countries of the world are welcomed every year, that motivate children to achieve excellence together with the young, sympathetic and highly motivated team of trainers. In addition is possible also a period abroad in England, Spain or Austria. Thanks to the extensive range, the matching program can be found for each.
Tags: fitness & workouts, sports