Stress Makes Diets Fail
by yudaica2013 ·
With sport of weight sabotage outsmarting diets provide many people with a difficult challenge: Although the desire to lose weight is large, the staying power is often less pronounced. Lack of exercise, coupled with cravings often nervous edginess end towards the slim line. If the long-awaited weight loss success, increases the frustration. The reasons for the failure of a diet are varied and and inpiduell very different. Recent studies identify recurring but a common denominator: stress. Without hesitation sofar explained all about the problem.
Continuous loads in the grueling workday block certain body functions and can promote selective feeding flashes. Sports active Abnehmwillige to counteract psychological stress and make your diet projects more successful. The selfish brain”the so-called selfish brain research at the University of Lubeck devoted since 2004 of wonder which brain waves the factor stress affects and to what extent these for the failure of diets responsible can be made. Under the direction of stress and brain researchers of Prof. Dr.
Achim Peters, the international research project developed the theory of the selfish brain, which suppresses the rest of the body. As a result, the brain in stressful situations sabotaged any weight loss attempts to meet the increased demand of glucose, an essential supplier of energy for the brain, to satisfy. Thought processes require much energy; in moments of mental strain this demand greatly and the brain consumes up to 90 percent of your daily glucose needs. The result: Stressed people feel a tremendous urge to carbohydrates and sugar. At constant stress, become accustomed to the body of the increased food intake and increasing weight. So that the power supply does not abort, the brain continuously calls a continuous food intake. Successfully to make a diet, then extremely difficult is nearly impossible for most. Sports stress the continuous conflict over the energy supply to counteract the body offers should find a way to their inner peace.
Tags: health, medicine & surgery