Syllabus for Rhetoric and Creativity
by yudaica2013 ·
Rhetoric and Creativity 3 ECTS Credits 1st cuatrim. Coordinating Lecturer: Dr. Miquel Altarriba Teachers: Dr. John King Dr. Jos Mar a Ricarte Dr. Josep Rom Objectives 1. Objective: Inform the resources of persuasive speech 2. Objective: To show parallels between classic persuasive genres and advertising 3. Objective: To reconsider topics, archetypes and stereotypes in advertisements Contents I. Creative Direction theme and creative thinking in persuasive communication Dr. Miquel Altarriba Dr. Josep Rom 1. Some common criteria and advertising classics 2. Rhetoric and advertising creative tools 3. Optimitzar and advertising elements to be effective in communicating II.Persuasion theme: creativity, dialogue and response. Dr. Jos Mar a Ricarte 1. The problem, the idea and the solution 2. Knowledge, dialogue and truth 3. Las Fuentes, the look and response III. Language and abetting issue: creative concepts and messages intelligible. Dr. John King Dr. Jos Mar a Ricarte Dr. Josep Rom 1. Creative Communication persuasive. 2. Principles, practice and method of the advertising message as current rhetoric. 3. The announcement as verbal iconic structure that requires readability, legibility and / or interpretation. 4. The order and simplification focused advertising message, a pregnant i persuasive. IV. The figures of speech issue as an instrument of creativity. Dr. Josep Rom Dr. Miquel Altarriba 1. Terms of persuasion to communicate on purpose. 2.The figures as an important factor for variety and convenience. 3. The adequacy of advertising creativity to the media and circumstances. 4. Analysis and comparison of structures, vision boards, topics and figures of speech as a typical example of creativity. Methodology The course will consist of thematic classes advertisement analysis or case studies that inspire debate and dialogue on persuasive communication. Consequently, students will perform individually the analysis of three cases of advertising campaigns (MK relational, Newspapers or magazines and a TV / Multimedia), which should introduce and present at the last two classes of the course. Evaluation A. Jobs B. Presentations C.Class participation Announcements Date of evaluation subject (first call): The week after the class presentation. Second call Date: 15 setembre, 2009 Bibliography ADAM, JM Bonhome, M. The argument advertising. Rhetoric of praise and persuasion. Madrid: C tedra., 2000. Sign and Image. (Original T tol: L’argumentation publicitaire. Rhetorique de l’Eloge et de la persuasion. Paris: Nathan, 1997. Traducci Maria A. Perez Manuel Talens Harguindey i). Azaustre, A CASAS, J. Manual Spanish rhetoric. Barcelona: Ariel, 2001. ALTARRIBA, M. What dir, to i per qu qui. Barcelona: Tr podos, 2005 ALTARRIBA, M. I Ret rica Publicitat. Pensaments i alguns apunts on criteris comuns. Barcelona: Tr podos, 2006 Barthes, R. “The advertising message.” A: The adventure semiotics. Barcelona: Polity Press, 1990, p gs.239-243 (in French publicat 1963). (Original T tol: L’aventure s miologique. Publicat in French per ditions du Seuil, Paris. Traducci Ramon Mayor.) Barthes, R. Research rhetorical I. The old rhetoric. Barcelona: Buenos Aires, 1982. (T tol original: “The Rhetoric ancienne. Aide Memoire.” Communications, 16 (1970) p.172-229 Traducci B.