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by yudaica2013 ·

Why an organization should transform?, the answer in general relate it to the voracity of global competition and the hipercambiante environment. Howard Schultz has firm opinions on the matter. Improvements and changes to current schemes are not sufficient to deal with a much more complex business reality. Now with more growth and higher profits companies have succeeded based on the talent, knowledge, innovation and a disruption in the way of doing business, creating new needs or new ways to meet the needs. The organizational transformation, has to do with a complete change where one thing turns into another. Read additional details here: Gary Katcher. This definition is very deep and compromising, since we deal not only with an administrative tool, or a method, or even a model, but an entire new system of organization. The only current organizational system that has is the pyramidal or functional, created in the industrial era to organize the new way of generating wealth and make company at that time.

Currently talk about the era of knowledge, where the roots of the value they are in people, in the intangible; beyond the classic land, labour and capital, now the wealth is generated based on the intellectual capital of the organization. To do this, the intelligent enterprise system offers a proposal of system for the world of organizations where the central dynamic is tipped towards the customer instead of the authority; It focuses on the person, instead of the irons, among other inputs and assumptions of such a system. The sense of urgency to adopt this system is detonated by the pursuit of competitiveness, which is only achieved with the contest and approval of the customer. Without it, we can be productive, efficient, quality, more non-competitive. So the organizational structure should be directed to the customer, always looking and naturally the satisfaction of their needs (company mission).

Of course, that the structure is composed by people, which run activities that are part of the processes that are available as products or services, by What if we improve people, improve processes and consequently property tangibilizados by which such customers pay. According to a source specializing in item (1), the organizational transformation is like an operation open heart, where there is a double challenge: keep the patient alive and correct the same problem. In the organizations business must be removed in the usual way, while at the same time makes the change to open heart. For this situation, it is important to keep a system that helps you to work in both dimensions, so in the SEI provides coexistence two-dimensional between (focused on the authority) pyramidal structure and operational structure (focused on the client) to be able to cope with the movement towards a knowledge company unless the patient succumbs in the process. He anchored the future success and the same need to transform into customer and team, are formulas which sustains the Intelligent Enterprise System. Touching people in this metamorphosis is due, If we want to be truly and finally useful to achieve the competitiveness of the organization.