by yudaica2013 ·
The cycle of life of the products comes being studied in amplagama of organizacionais contexts, influencing, thus, the relations comerciaisentre exporting countries and import, having as concerns – of carterambiental – aspects that go since the productive process and its products, until I dare and its posterior discarding. This Technique also is> known as analise' ' of the cradle to tumulo' '. Today the organizations already had started to perceive the ACV as umaforte competitiveness tool and a differential for the detomadas processes of decisions, in the election of ambient pointers in projects and aid to aidentificar chances of improvements of the ambient aspects. In such a way, through the valuation and evaluation proposal pelametodologia of Evaluation of the Cycle of Life, it is possible to identify if one better produtotem ambient performance that another one, if an alteration in the product to still podegerar a great ambient impact or, which process of manufacture trazmaiores advantages to the end item. EVALUATION OF the LIFE CYCLE All the process of manufacture of some product produces algumimpacto ambient, due to the consumption of energy and necessary resources atmesmo of gases residue and, the emission generation effluent in general. Esseimpacto can occur during the extration of used raw materials noprocesso of manufacture of the product, in ACV. The analysis of life cycle is one technique for evaluation dosaspectos ambient and of the potential impacts associates to a product, understanding stages that go since the withdrawal of the nature of the substances elementary cousins who enter in the productive system, disposio of the end item. The ACV if presents as an important tool to parasubsidiar the stages of the development of the product, the management of the production, ops-use, the logistic conventional and reversa, among others, from compilaode information and of the evaluations Techniques So that if it gives beginning to an Evaluation of Cycle of Life, elaborates umfluxograma of the process, specifying all the flows of materiale energy and enters and leaves the system.
Tags: environment