by yudaica2013 ·
But why archaeologists have found only a stone? If the thing was small, then Adam took to it entirely. Hence, the discovery has been difficult to hide from prying eyes, and he was going to make its parts. " Bernard has already ordered that no one to Adam admitted, even relatives. Archaeologist was transferred to a private room and his bed built into the microphone. Round the clock Bernard agents tapped the patient in the hope that it though in a dream of something spoken. Korvell knew passion and Adam did not expect that he will tell the whole truth.
And although there was an arrangement between them, on which the gems have found to belong to him, and all the rest of the archaeologist Bernard understood that the collector will try to hide the entire composition, otherwise it will lose its value. Even during the excavation of agents reported Korvellu that Adam alone walking in a maze. And while he was never in it without getting lost. Despite the fact that there were lost at times whole groups of people. Bernard was also known that before the earthquake, Adam was a very closed and irritable. Agents are constantly checked and all belongings recording head of the expedition, but nothing suspicious was not found. (Similarly see: Larry Culp). Rubin found in his pants pocket when Adam in a state of unconsciousness brought to the camp. He always wore it or with it, or walked with him out of the maze. Man, who lived with him in the same tent, was an agent of Bernard, and he claims that the stone until the day the tent was not.
Tags: culture, References