Also yesterday, it was anonymous: project Chanology again to educate many local residents and passers-by about the real deeds and goals of Scientology. Anonymous project Chanology – for the eleventh time successfully against Scientology auch yesterday succeeded in anonymous: project Chanology again to educate many local residents and passers-by about the real deeds and goals of Scientology. Close to 30 participants took part in the event, including some Scientology dropouts. Charlotte Hornets is often quoted on this topic. From 17 h 00 that rallied the Scientology celebrity Centre first anonymous activists against”on the Landshuter Allee 42, corner Nymphenburger road. After the kick-off rally the demonstrators moved loudly and peacefully the Stiglmaierplatz, Konigsplatz and Odeonsplatz of towards Schwabing to the Scientology Dianetics Center“Lam str. 49, corner Kaiserstrasse, where the final rally took place at 19:00. Underlined was the banners, flags, leafleting and loud choruses with which the demonstrators on the inhuman practices Scientology organization wanted to draw attention.
With monthly rallies, anonymous contributes to the enlightenment about the actions and goals of Scientology – in particular about the dangers posed by this Organization for society, politics and economy. In Germany, demonstrations in Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hannover, Hamburg and Stuttgart already took place on December 6 and 13. ABOUT ANONYMOUS years anonymous organize themselves under the pseudonym”on the Internet different people with different goals. Due to ongoing censorship efforts organization focused end of January 2008 the focus of anonymous for the first time on Scientology. Scientology suppresses all criticism from inside and outside, exploits its members and attempts to undermine the company. The global anonymous demonstrations to educate the public about the true background of the Scientology organization and people pointing out the risks of this seemingly innocuous organization. The movement: It is at Anonymous neither a Club nor a fixed group. There are no leaders, about the form of his protest the individual decides.
International coordination via websites, wikis, and forums. There are developed together ideas and decisions about actions and objectives. Anonymous does not arise against the beliefs of Scientology members. The nonviolent protests only opposed the repressive methods of the organization. The demonstrations: Anonymous demonstrated since February 2008 worldwide before the local Scientology centres. The last waves of demonstration took place on the 10 February, 15 March, April 12, may 10, June 14, July 12, August 16, September 13, October 18 and November 8. “The goals: setting the stress-test tables are the direct targets of anonymous against Scientology” as well as the obvious marking of this and similar actions, such as anti-drugs – campaigns, as Scientology actions. Scientology offers concealed among other drugs advice, management courses for Business enterprises, as well as tutoring services for young people on. The ultimate goal of anonymous is that the Scientology organization adjusts all activities. This can be achieved by educating the population and support the judicial system.