Archive for September, 2012


Bulnes Samame Rock

by yudaica2013 ·

For all musician who has had the opportunity to work in a Creole rock, he is to him very impressive the death of an exponent of this musical sort. In me case particularly, hurts much to me the game of Mr. Arthur Mulatto Cavero, since I had the luck to accompany it with the musical frame in the rock Charles and his rock. In the year of 1982, I work in this rock, and when the day arrived to contract marriage with my Adriana fianc2ee, we chose between both, to ask the owner of the rock, is our godfather. The owner of the rock Mr. Carlos Bulnes Samame, (that peacefully rests), accepted with much joy this order.

In the month of Julio of year 1984, (considering me like artist exponent of our Creole music), turned my third anniversary in this activity. Our married godfather: Carlos Bulnes, wanted to homenajear to me by this anniversary; and it prepared for this event one night of rock, in a particular day, so that it did not have to cross itself presentations of weekend. It suggested, that we invited to Arthur Mulatto Cavero, and to Ana Maria to us Borja so that they were my artistic godfathers; the hand of God gave the luck us of which this outside reality. I am safe, that for me, and all the musicians who we had the luck to accompany it in its activities; for the Creole artists in its totality, and for all the public who esteem its art; Cavero Mulatto always will live in our memory. That voice will never go out, that will be listened to in but the deep thing of our being. Godfather rests peacefully; my artistic godfather.


Watermelon Celebration

by yudaica2013 ·

During Uruana years it is known national as the capital of the watermelon. The great production of the fruit, causing the heading to the city, structuralizing the identity of the same one; which monument the fruit becoming the official symbol of the city. But with the increasing production of the sugar cane-of-sugar, the soy and the creation of the cattle, we can see clearly that the producers more do not prioritize the production of the watermelon in the region. Exactly with the interferences in the production, the city traditionally continues promoting the party, that has more than twenty years is considered a national and international success. The party of the watermelon grew proportionally and conquered international public, come people of different countries, to know the party and to swim in the famous river Uru. The festive moment occurs during the September month; in three days of party, a parade occurs to choose the queen and the princesses of the party. In elapsing of the party the producers of the region display its products, and of simple form they transmit the importance of the agrarian production in region. In the last day of the party a parade that passes for the main avenue of the city, a cultural parade carried through by the innumerable schools and other cultural groups of the city and of other regions is carried through that they aim at to present with property the importance of the art, the musicalidade, the land, the corporal expression and the cultural identity of this people. In this context we notice that the party is a cultural movement that during years comes monumentally constructing to the memory history of this goiana city.


Music as Speech

by yudaica2013 ·

To the 10 years it was changed for the city to start its studies. It was in the school Gerardo Correa Rasp in Jaguaruana, that appeared the proposal for the formation of a Band of the School. At the first moment it did not have interest in entering the musical life. Two months later, the Band made a presentation in the patio of the school and thus its curiosity for music despertou.

With the explanation that received on saxofone of a classmate, integrant of the Band, the interest of Pablo Jorge arose the point of if interesting to make its registration in the Band of the School. 1991, Pablo Jorge entered the Band to the 19 years as listener, therefore he did not have enough instruments for the new pupils. However, with the exit of integrant of the group of benches of saxofone Pablo it assumes the vacant. The lessons with the Teacher of the Band Eduardo Coast if summarized in the development technician for the execution of instruments, with objective to make the Band to touch the fastest possible, in this way pupils had that to surpass the execution difficulties what it could leave certain gaps in stages for a consistent musical education. The experience lived for Pablo Jorge if does not differ from the many joined ones in people who costumam to participate of Bands of music. In sight of this if it could reflect on a differentiated conception of musical education. Which defended for studious as Swanwick, goes beyond the practical one to play a instrument. ‘ ‘ conception of musical education as one form of cultural studies or social reinforcement tends to result in a very different resume of that it identifies music as a speech form.


The Romantics

by yudaica2013 ·

Throughout the centuries had occurred the evolutions of the languages and the forms of varied expression meet each time more. In way that literature suffers historical influences, lingusticas and cultural in elapsing of its trajectory, changes these that if they reflect in the arts and the way to think and to act of a generation. Being literature on result of the quarrels and thoughts to one determined time and culture. The way to write and the form to express of an author or a school take emotion, commotion and criticidade to the intent reader to the space between lineses of the workmanship that bases its lives deeply social. The emotion in the poetries or the revolts in chats social changes the thought criticizes of the reading public, as well as its way to act, being these the main targets of the workmanships, that many times show or try to show the real face of so suffered society. Literature possesss the characteristics to revolutionize times in diverse aspects, being deliberated modifications and advances in the culture, the effective language and the forms of behavior, everything inside of an ample prism of people and its interferences, languages and cultures, become a way of transmission of ideas and thoughts. The Romantismo, literary school of century XVIII, was an artistic movement, politician and philosophical, in which possua as main characteristics a contrary vision of world to the rationalism, marked the neoclssico period and searched a exacerbado and utopian nationalism in the figure of the indian. Also marked for a strong subjetivismo, in order to influence in the arts and the life the taste for the death, the perfect idealizao of the perfect love, the cordialidade, among others characteristic. The Modernismo of century XX possua the characteristic to revolutionize the arts, in only in the writings as them you chat and the poetries, but also in the sculpture, the architecture, the painting and music.