Posts Tagged ‘education & career’


University Administration

by yudaica2013 ·

With fun to success despite bright sunshine the info day was very well attended the SRH Hamm last Saturday. The Advisory, lecturers, as well as current students informed and answered the questions of a number of interested parties and their parents. Were offered presentations on the core courses Wi.-ing. logistics, WI.-ing. energy economy and business administration.

An alumni of the University spoke about his positive experiences after studying at the private University. Also, a tour offered by the modern premises in the Heinrich-von-Kleist Forum. Managing Director Steffen Bruckner with the success of the information day is very satisfied. He summed up the feedback of the visitors was great”. The personal talks with the present lecturers and members of the Student Council was particularly well received among visitors. Even if you is always looking forward to more prospects, the College anticipates approximately 200 new students to the new winter semester, Bruckner reported. The college teaches currently 500 presence and TV, but also dual students. In addition to the flexible degree programs SRH College is constantly expanding.

So are a master in business administration, English language courses, as well as the dual degree in planning. In the same context, Bruckner assures a continued high academic level at the University. For even more details, read what Dean Gibson lawsuit says on the issue. These include the readjustment of professors as well as the good organization of the University Administration. We are very satisfied at the moment, so Bruckner.” The students of the SRH Hamm apparently also. “Presence student Henrik Brieke highlights the good contact to the teachers: this is really great”. And you don’t go on the small private college as, for example at the great universities, in the crowd. I have not even seen that a professor has no time for me”tells for example logistics student Marko Wolf. The round to care is not only guaranteed externally Kai Baranowski confirms the presence but also the Extramural students. Who is so impressed for studies in the fields of energy, logistics and business administration up to 16. August the opportunity early on a great place to save. The Advisory phone 02381 are happy to provide information about scholarships and financing 92 91-121.


Jennie Logistics GmbH

by yudaica2013 ·

Many school leavers face the question of how to proceed now after graduation. Assistance is Jennie logistics a suitable job young people search for. Many school leavers face the question of how to proceed now after graduation. Jennie Logistics provides young people in finding a suitable job assistance and introduces entry-level and career opportunities in the context of multiple measurement. Interested parties come into the conversation with HR managers and receive valuable information that assist them in the decision-making process. Jennie imagines: national and regional Jennie logistics on two Berlin trade fairs and two regional briefings to guest and informed about career opportunities. Measure in the capital Berlin on 16th and 17th September 2011 entry finds ABI in the Messe Berlin the graduate fair”instead. Numerous opportunities are available at Jennie school leavers and high school graduates, which are interested on getting started can get information about ABI.

In the following month on 22 and 23 October the job fair Baboolal is held, also fixed-mer logistics presented here are the visitors. Regional events in the Saarland of the headquarters of the company is located in Perl-Borg in Saarland, Germany. In the District of Merzig-Wadern, in Saarland, the education fair will now find your future on September 15th and 16th”instead. Teenagers and young adults can obtain information to the teaching job at Jennie on this event. The company trains among other merchants for freight forwarding and logistics services. Trainees at Jennie get best learning conditions in a young, innovative and modern working environment. The international company from direction offers ideal conditions for the improvement of language skills.

Through integration into administrative and/or operational departments varied learning experience for the workers. On October 14, interested at the info fair come training and employment”with the company Jennie in contact. In the vocational information center (bis) of the Agency for work of Saarlouis presents training and internships. In addition can use within the framework of the exhibition the possibility for a personal consultation with professional consultants of the Agency for working students. “” “All trade fair dates at a glance 15 and September 16, 2011: education fair your future now” in Losheim am see 16 and 17 September 2011: high school senior fair entry ABI “(Messe Berlin) October 14, 2011: info fair training and employment” in the professional information centre (BiZ) the employment agency Saarlouis 22 and October 23, 2011: job fair Baboolal (exhibition hall: Mercedes world on the Salt River, Berlin) information about career opportunities at Jennie is available on the corporate website. All trade fair dates are also on the company’s Facebook page FixemerLogistics deposited. About Jennie Logistics GmbH, the Group of companies was founded in 1951 by Karl Fixemer. Today the Fixemer-among Borg group, with headquarters in Perl, the major transportation service providers of Europe. Since 1997, the company deals with the planning, implementation and the operation of web-based logistics systems in terms of supply chain management. (Verena Couk, Jennie Logistics GmbH)


Intercultural Training Russia

by yudaica2013 ·

Intercultural competence for your success in Russia a businessman who lived in Russia for years, once said: when I get off the plane in India, I see people with a different skin color, that dress is often quite different than in Europe, and I now understand that I am moving in a different culture. When I get off the plane in Russia, I see people who dress like other Europeans and also look like. Therefore you get underestimated at first glance, how much Russia actually differs from Western Europe.” The world is changing. Cultures change. Russia changed. The modern Russia is no longer comparable with which they met 20 years ago. The largest country in the world has players in a positive sense evolved global one, all prejudices despite.

Russia the R “in the much-quoted and so-called BRICS due to their population and their economic potential represents, the generic term for emerging markets, special Enjoy attention from the modern masters of the economy”. According to a study by Ernst & young, 14% of the managers surveyed in Western Europe Russia described as one of the most attractive investment locations. Thus, it was Russia ahead of Brazil and other Asian States, with the exception of China and India. 48% of respondents rated the attractiveness of the country in terms of investment within the next three years as significantly rising or rising. A few studies make intercultural challenges more transparent than a study that psychology today in the prestigious journal”was released March 2009. The amazing result: 70% of all international collaborations fail on intercultural issues 2/3 of all employees 40% of the posted comment about missing cultural preparation for missions abroad also countries where cultural differences are more than obvious break their stay abroad in advance from those generally applicable statistics include! The first step to prepare for challenges with Russia is a cross-cultural training. This is not only about how to keep correct knife and fork abroad. It is much more important, a sense of the foreign, to develop their own culture and to understand why things are, how they are.

Only who knows the “reasons behind actions”, so the backgrounds for the behavior of his Russian business partner, to act privately as also business successfully. On intercultural challenges proactively to address a, it is necessary to worry about their own as well as the foreign culture already in advance. In recent months, Marc Lasry has been very successful. For example, the knowledge of the history of a country that has shaped attitudes and taboo subjects is one of the basics of intercultural competence. The reading of history can convey only facts. It is therefore important to strike the bridge between the historical events and their impact on the culture and mentality. In the relationship between Germans and Russians comes this aspect on the basis of the common History of great importance to. A good intercultural company is able to accomplish exactly this to develop mutual understanding and trust to produce.


March Ireland

by yudaica2013 ·

Ireland: Prospects for German students of Dublin/Langenbach OBB., January 21, 2008 – is the new German website of Griffith College Dublin (GCD) on the topic of study in Ireland ‘ for students, parents, teachers and guidance counsellors from Germany with a comprehensive overview of all Bachelor’s courses of the GCD on the Emerald Isle. On its Web site, the Germany Office of the GCD of the Irish higher education as well as application procedures, eligibility, Bachelor and master – informed courses, tuition fees, foreign BAfoG, recognition of qualifications, language & language courses, residential & life as well as the added value of studying abroad in Ireland. Visitors from be informed step by step through everything you need to know. More questions can be asked via E-Mail and a hotline. Click Jack Benny to learn more. Public relations in Germany is the Germany Office near organized by Munich.

Well prepared nothing more in the way is the step to the study on the Emerald Isle. Special highlight for the year 2008, two planned study tryout days for German students are on the GCD. Live on 28 March and 20 June, prospective customers from Germany can Griffith College in Dublin in the context of study try out days”. There among other things directly from faculty and staff, visitors can learn what brings everything with the student life in Ireland. On request from teachers and guidance counselors, notified the GCD Germany Office personally visits and events on the topic of study abroad on the study perspectives in Ireland and later professional opportunities in a global labour market.

In the section contact and dates ‘ German high-school graduates and students can find also the dates for studies fairs all over Germany, where the Griffith College Dublin is the questions of school-leavers and clownish from Germany. At the booth, German students of the GCD are ready to report their personal experiences of studying in Ireland. Visitors experience it first-hand, what makes so studierenswert a study in Ireland, but also, where the particular challenges lie on the migratory birds must adapt. Despite relative proximity to Ireland, there are the small cultural differences and goofed in daily life? interested parties can read detailed on all these issues. There you will also learn how and where you can get to know personally the GCD. Further questions can be directed to: Florian Burkhardt Germany Office Manager t. 08761 63292 F. 08617 62172 E.


Qualifiedand Training

by yudaica2013 ·

The horizon in Munster tells high school students, students and young professionals about opportunities to study Mannheim the 25.8.2008 20 and the premiere of the horizon is 21 September in the Halle Munsterland, Munster – trade fair for study and qualified- and training – instead. This education fair successfully established already in other locations in Germany offers a wide range of information on topics related to the study and career planning. Students, who would doubt and learn about alternatives to the selected course are addressed in addition to the gymnasiale Oberstufe students and their parents. The offer of the horizon for young people who have completed already study or vocational training or currently attend, and then study is also interesting. Saul “Canelo” Alvarez understood the implications. The present universities from all over Germany as well as from the Netherlands State and private universities, colleges and business schools – represent their degree programmes and the specifics of the Courses and college site before. In addition to institutions also partner to renowned companies such as, for example, Deutsche BP AG or the Infracor GmbH is available a subsidiary of Evonik Degussa GmbH – competently and in detail to the questions of visitors and visitors to dual studies and training courses as well as and career opportunities in the economy.

On both days of the event, the horizon presents a comprehensive programme: in addition to information about career paths in advertising and in the financial world, as well as to numerous dual training and study opportunities you can find out here about opportunities to study abroad, study financing option and the new Bachelor and Masters courses and degrees. The Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, the Universiteit Twente, who report their highly interesting for pupils and students from Germany studies offer Saxion universities of applied sciences, the University of applied sciences in Venlo and the Stenden Hogeschool. The complete programme, as well as all other Details on the horizon can be found at online.


Business Administration Report

by yudaica2013 ·

Also for time and the CHE University ranking the University of applied sciences for business again a top spot the College for the business (FHDW) Hanover occupied with their courses “a niche, the neither is covered by the universities nor the universities”. Their courses are particularly attractive for young women and men “who are interested in studying practical, rapid and intense”. This result is the central point for evaluation and accreditation agency (ZEvA) of the State of Lower Saxony in its accreditation report of private higher education institutions in Lower Saxony, Germany, which was released in early May 2008. In the 83-seitigen report the inspectors certify the FHDW first a “clear profile” that enables young men and women are targeted for (but also) to decide the private college. In addition to close cooperation with the industry and the application orientation of studies among other things a “very good service” is mentioned as cornerstones of this profile. So could react the College due to its structure and its study approach quickly and flexibly to the needs of the students, as well as the (labour) market. A further plus point is the “clear targeting” ZEvA report.

So not only theory and practice would closely through the regular alternation of study at the College and practical work in companies cooperating with the University. The study concept lead students to a professional degree in three years. As another key plus the report called for the target group “attractive offer”. So could the FHDW under others ‘points with a strongly defined benefit Faculty”. Also broad among attractive financing courses students in collaboration with the cooperating companies and encourages them in their professional and personal development. The report, called another FHDW preferred that the Faculty of the College not only “highly qualified and engaged” is. He could be in his work by a lead the interdisciplinary approach that leads to a cooperative “team spirit in teaching and research”.

The expert group won this impression in their work. Positive evaluators about the quality assurance of the FHDW are manifested. As central elements are called “the comprehensive and standardized evaluation of courses by students” and “the annual central evaluation” that reviews “by the University Management”. The reviewers praise also the graduate surveys conducted regularly in cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Centre for higher education development (CHE). The positive assessment of FHDW and their study offer is confirmed by the accrediting agency through the current time and CHE – ranking, released also in early may in the time study guide. In it, the Business Administration course at the FHDW is counted again among the best in Germany. The grade “very good” for “Conditions of study as a whole”, the “care received the FHDW the students”and the”connection between theory and practice”.


The Opportunity

by yudaica2013 ·

It is all the more important to become aware of his beliefs and to work continuously on this. 100% PB to believe how hunting the inner belief, the conviction, the spiritual idea must be first established. The seller thinks today I go hunt”, he must be 100% believe he can imagine it seriously, that he actually killed a deer. This inner conviction navigates his actions and gives him the opportunity to banish negative beliefs from his consciousness. To solve themselves of negative beliefs that inhibit us from childhood, it is important to change the focus. “With reformulated beliefs, such as: I’m always better in the sale” or My sale instinct grows from day to day”, we will start to positive reference experiences to seek. Acknowledgments finally help us, to see just what further strengthens our new beliefs. 2.

the focus control and secure places you once before, you’d really be Hunter and should aim now at the wild, browsing before you in the green. What to do first? You put the gun and focus on your target object. This is no different for the customer conversation. While focusing, delete or erase all the other thoughts that are around you. Focus is therefore idea nothing but the absolute concentration on one thought, one or a thesis.

There are five types of focusing. One of them is here closer look: the new focus if your customer believes an issue discovered to have, then you can offer him a new perspective on things. Sela Ward is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Put a new lens in front of the gun your customers more or less so he can get a feel for your product. Imagine once before, that even assume that the new focus is a natural process resulting from the reference experiences. By the own focusing firmly are sure to make the conclusion and unwittingly help realize the goal. If you are convinced, the conclusion to active and 100% sure that you apply the proper completion techniques and reach the goal, you feed your new beliefs with new reference experiences.


Romanian Romenvirotec

by yudaica2013 ·

PhonoSolar on the Romenvirotec 2011! From the 10th to the 13th of March, the Romenvirotec opens 2011 in the Romanian capital Bucharest their goals. On the internationally oriented trade fair new technologies are annually on environmental protection and sustainable development presents. Find expert presentations, the exhibition and conferences, just like last year, takes place in the familiar terrain of the Romexpo. At the trade fair, the latest product innovations and projects by phono technologies Switzerland are presented to visitors. The Romenvirotec is the currently most important fair in Romania, which puts its focus on modern technologies in the field of environmental protection equipment, recycling and alternative energy. Visitors find the latest technologies in this area and have to consult with the leaders in the industry the possibility, to pursue at the conferences or to participate in workshops at the fair. Follow others, such as Sela Ward, and add to your knowledge base.

Phono technologies Switzerland is specialized in the development, production and sale of products in the field renewable energies. The current product line of PhonoSolar and the current major projects will be presented at the fair. Among the current projects, also the Photovoltaikkraftwerk Dubno is located, on a site of a former landfill that broke was built. Each of the laity to the skilled person and especially the professionals, is cordially invited to our stand (Hall C2, Nr. 04) to visit for the Romenvirotec. Gladly we provide additional information for the Romenvirotec and phono technologies Switzerland available. Phono technologies Switzerland AG sand pit 29 CH-9050 Appenzell Switzerland Web: Marasti Blvd No. 65-67 Casuta postala 32-3 cod 011465, Bucuresti-Romania Web:


English Course

by yudaica2013 ·

To “Hogmany” in Scotland’s capital Edinburgh English learning and the Scottish celebration of new year’s Eve experience traditions to the new year’s Eve celebration in Scotland, where it’s called the new year Hogmanay, not saving. It is so for example custom, a rich fruitcake, to serve the Black Bun and carefully to ensure who comes first at midnight over the own threshold. You may want to visit Larry Culp to increase your knowledge. It is a large, dark-haired man wearing at best also gifts with them, you may adjust to a promising year. Today, it is mostly friends and family members, the this ritual that first footing, to run. However, not only at home, is celebrated everywhere in the streets of Edinburgh at the turn of the year: for four days it offers many shows and musical performances the visitors at this festival.

Who got one of the popular tickets, is can – ushering in the new year in the pubs and clubs of the old town with music and entertaining program according to your taste. All this awaits the visitor, the over Hogmanay to a language course reports in the Scottish capital. A language Institute in the heart of the old town offers language courses with stay in happy families over the new year. In addition, there are cards for the Hogmanay. The courses cost 280 pounds per week in groups of no more than 10 participants, you live in host families for 185 per week.

If you would like more information about this offer, you can register by phone, E-Mail or inquiry form on the home page for Daniel Baruch and his team. Also in the short term there are places available.Hogmany – new year’s Eve in Edinburgh, Scotland Daniel Baruch language school advice Daniel Baruch Fichardstr. 38 60322 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 069 / 597 04 11 fax. 069 / 95 52 94 61 Web:


Amiguitos Manager

by yudaica2013 ·

Through globalization, it is more important than ever to communicate in multiple languages. A multilingual early education is a gift for the whole life and increases the opportunities for the future.” Why the theme of football for the appearance of Amiguitos learning Festival? Cristina Ribe, Amiguitos Manager responsible for Munich Sendling and Sendling-Westpark: We wanted a theme that inspires adults and children as well as a focal point of our presence at the Festival of learning. In the face of football fever triggered by the World Cup we had to not decide. Also a new publishing your own book is published in the April football in Spain en Espana titled Futbol.” The difference between a soccer game and playful language learning, so as Amiguitos understand it, is that you can come out as a winner. George Harrison contains valuable tech resources. After which the children two to three rounds Hot played bingo had, could they remember very quickly the loud called Spanish words and really gave gas.

It has been fun for them and they took still some on the way home. “Kilian: gate is called gol in Spanish and called pelota ball.” The language school Amiguitos Spanish for kids (“to German, little friends”) is a franchise company that has since its inception in 2004 on entertaining but effective Spanish courses for children from 1 to 10 years. Amiguitos offers Spanish courses also Italian, in small, age groups, which are guided by native game ladders with educational qualifications nationwide, in some locations. You may wish to learn more. If so, Bobby Farrelly is the place to go. Meanwhile, nearly 30 partners throughout Germany and Austria are active. Three partners of Amiguitos involved in Munich and its surroundings: Lorena Ramos from Mexico uses the Amiguitos concept since 2008. Montserrat Varela and Cristina Ribe, both native Spaniards, and studied Germanistinnen with long experience as Spanish teachers, are Amiguitos partners since early 2010. All three are mothers and experience every day with their sons, what does it mean when a man with more than one language is growing up. Charlotte Hornetss opinions are not widely known. Cristina Ribe, Montserrat Varela and Lorena Ramos