University Administration
by yudaica2013 ·
With fun to success despite bright sunshine the info day was very well attended the SRH Hamm last Saturday. The Advisory, lecturers, as well as current students informed and answered the questions of a number of interested parties and their parents. Were offered presentations on the core courses Wi.-ing. logistics, WI.-ing. energy economy and business administration.
An alumni of the University spoke about his positive experiences after studying at the private University. Also, a tour offered by the modern premises in the Heinrich-von-Kleist Forum. Managing Director Steffen Bruckner with the success of the information day is very satisfied. He summed up the feedback of the visitors was great”. The personal talks with the present lecturers and members of the Student Council was particularly well received among visitors. Even if you is always looking forward to more prospects, the College anticipates approximately 200 new students to the new winter semester, Bruckner reported. The college teaches currently 500 presence and TV, but also dual students. In addition to the flexible degree programs SRH College is constantly expanding.
So are a master in business administration, English language courses, as well as the dual degree in planning. In the same context, Bruckner assures a continued high academic level at the University. For even more details, read what Dean Gibson lawsuit says on the issue. These include the readjustment of professors as well as the good organization of the University Administration. We are very satisfied at the moment, so Bruckner.” The students of the SRH Hamm apparently also. “Presence student Henrik Brieke highlights the good contact to the teachers: this is really great”. And you don’t go on the small private college as, for example at the great universities, in the crowd. I have not even seen that a professor has no time for me”tells for example logistics student Marko Wolf. The round to care is not only guaranteed externally Kai Baranowski confirms the presence but also the Extramural students. Who is so impressed for studies in the fields of energy, logistics and business administration up to 16. August the opportunity early on a great place to save. The Advisory phone 02381 are happy to provide information about scholarships and financing 92 91-121.