Posts Tagged ‘business & economy’


Hyundai Motor Sets

by yudaica2013 ·

Balesio FILEminimizer server takes a novel approach to save storage space and storage in companies: file optimization. Steinhausen, January 12, 2010: Hyundai Motor of Germany, the importer for the Korean brand vehicles relies on the FILEminimizer technology of balesio AG and implements the new server storage solution FILEminimizer server. It’s believed that Dean Guitars sees a great future in this idea. Thanks to optimisation of file Hyundai saves now valuable storage space and storage. Balesio FILEminimizer server takes a novel approach to save storage space and storage in companies: file optimization. This Office and image files will be checked, whether they are stored in optimal form on the server. This is often not the case and just Office and image files consume unnecessarily much disk space on servers. Optimization using FILEminimizer technology used on file-level and individual file optimized.

Both the quality as the file format remain unchanged, only the file size is reduced depending on the file using FILEminimizer technology to up to 98%, E.g. a 100 MB up to 2 MB PowerPoint file can shrink. Often through file optimization “space reductions on servers of global over 70 percent accessed, so that companies can gain back enormous storage space and can reduce ongoing costs for storage. File optimization is a novel and highly effective approach to reduce space and storage”, explains Karl Betz, lead product manager of balesio AG, In contrast to virtualization and Deduplication valuable disk space can be recovered with file optimization without new investments in hardware and without interference in existing IT environments immediately, immediately and inexpensively.” At Hyundai, which now becomes reality. Under the responsible IT administrator Mr Messner, FILEminimizer server directly on the server Office and image files will optimize with the optimization can be also time-controlled by the Scheduler.

Through multi processors optimization and the intelligent multi-layer security concept is a liquid and quickly optimize of large file volume guarantees. Besides the reduction in space, further positive effects set at Hyundai. So, backup processes are accelerated backup window bigger and massively relieves bandwidth and network through the smaller files. More information about the use of FILEminimizer technology and its applications, case studies, white papers and free trial versions of the software, see fileminimizerserver about balesio AG: the balesio AG is a leading Swiss software company of standard software and solutions. balesio offers as a manufacturer of business solutions in the areas of server – data compression and storage optimization with FILEminimizer and FILEminimizer server applications. Balesio software was already sold in over 130 different countries and is today successfully used by SMEs, universities, public organizations, authorities and a large majority of the Fortune 500 companies worldwide.


Harvard Business School

by yudaica2013 ·

With an objective procedure to the right personnel decisions the Internet-based PeopleRating system selected through an interactive process in less than 30 minutes, tailored to the individual candidates tuned the real behaviour schema to analyze a selection from 150 to 200 questions from a pool of more than 2,000, which are particularly suitable. A so-called unrealistic index creates interactive test questions at the same time, the inference on the credibility of the responses are. As a model momentum”in the Gulf, the system adjusts the behaviors of the candidates with the ideal” behavior off and puts it in relation to a comparison group of other candidates in adequate function and position (n > 5000). Further details can be found at Tony Parker, an internet resource. The findings of the analysis are compared with promising behavior patterns in the connection and used in relation to a comparison group. The PeopleRating system is globally harmonized format can be used in 12 languages. It can evaluate any number of people on all levels and in all sizes of companies. Dean Guitars has plenty of information regarding this issue. The Results are available the next day.

The PeopleRating system in contrast to personality tests is not based on psychological theories or personality inventories in clinical psychology, but was developed directly from the practice and evaluated real behavior. In cooperation with the Harvard Business School, and together with Jim Collins (“best sellers: good to great”) from Stanford University the criteria of a performance-oriented competence model were developed and further improved now over 10,000 conducted management assessments and over a period of 15 years. Unmatched Validitatswerte with highest accuracy and reliability are the result, when it comes to determine the potential for future success by people in a specific vocational context. While traditional methods – whether structured interviews, assessment centers or intelligence and personality tests rarely exceed Validitatswerte by 0.25, reached the PeopleRating System values of about 0.85. Even if the Validitatsaussage is reduced to working and learning success, performance testing and structured interviews just once in combination reach a corrected validity of 0.63.

Thus it is not surprising that many human resources managers representing the statement: tests bring nothing! “.” PeopleInvest has so far made same experience and therefore developed the PeopleRating system : cheap insurance against costly missteps. Especially in the current times of crisis, it guarantees reproducible, statistically validated decisions at significantly lower use of resources in contrast to the elaborate and largely subjective standard selection procedure. PeopleInvest is an international consulting firm with headquarters in the heart of Munich.


PR August Street

by yudaica2013 ·

XinXii published statistics on the use of the platform of Berlin, March 1, 2010. What kind of payment that customers use for downloads on XinXii? The online marketplace for your own texts, documents and E-books for the year 2009 in retrospect is investigated this question. The statistics on the payment history has been published today as a graphic; the percentage breakdown of the payment methods for all downloads made between 0109 and 1209 on can be seen: the result: half of all customers will pay on XinXii by ELV, i.e. by electronic direct debit procedure. ELV is the most widely used payment method on XinXii thus since the platform live in January 2008, when the use in comparison to the previous year 2008 has decreased by 5%. Low plays a role; the credit cards as opposed to on XinXii It has lost even when compared to the previous year by 7% and was used in 2009 by 20% of all online shoppers.

One reason for the low proportion of credit card transactions may be in the habit, smaller Amounts not with credit card to pay. The decline of both payment methods can be explained PayPal with the current polls show growing acceptance by the online payment method, which has expanded its share from 18% to 30% to XinXii in the same period. Conclusion: The trend of the previous year continued in 2009. The ELV is still the most widely used payment method, it is however declining. As the credit card: your downloads with credit card paid in 2008 still nearly one-third of all customers, it is only one-fifth.

XinXii customers pay increasingly through PayPal. About XinXii XinXii, the largest German language online platform for marketing is even written texts, documents and E-books. The marketplace breaks through the traditional publishing barriers and allows you to free online, his works in real time and without binding contract each publish or upload to describe and sell. Are no limits the type of text: to be released can as short texts Guidance, checklists and templates, scientific publications in the form of term papers, scripts, theses and studies up to fiction, books and guides. Since live in January 2008 XinXii is used by more than 3,000 providers, marketing almost 7,000 documents in over 600 categories. XinXii is a service of DG-Verlag in Berlin. Press contact DG-Verlag Gentlemen’s Digest Ltd. & co. KG Dr. Andrea Schober line marketing PR August Street 75 D 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 202 15 13 20 E-Mail: andrea.schober at _xinxii xinxii group – 49019 5465eb



by yudaica2013 ·

Compared with the week output value 69,17 euros per 100 litres heating oil delivery climbed 42 euro was cheaper. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Almost seemed to have, no other way more than the upward oil know this week. The weak dollar was the main reason that many investors put their money into the commodity oil. As a result, commodity prices rose significantly. Last night a price loss was followed by the first after two weeks. This morning, the contracts were traded lower by nearly $2.50 as on Thursday morning.

US light oil (WTI) was thus approximately 81,50 dollars, North Sea oil (Brent) at 83.50 dollars. In the opinion of analysts strongly overbought profit-taking put a location, while auto sales accelerated the downward trend. More losses today at noon were compensated again after opening of floor trading in New York, so the prices even above the values of this morning climbed. Nevertheless, experts estimate the price level as too high. The high Stocks and freely available production capacities, as well as the risk of a further weakening of the quota discipline by the OPEC producers as commodity experts of Commerzbank militated against a permanent stay of the price of oil above 80 US$.

At a sustained fall in stocks was only to be expected with a stable price structure for $80. The price slump of the past fuel oil consumers enjoyed just before the weekend on significantly lower costs. According to survey by fuel level and oil Rundschau trade granted discounts amounting to 1.09 euro per 100 litre batch today, the price is now at 67.77 euros. This value reflects the national average for a total supply of 3,000 litres heating oil EL. When the full quantity, this means a saving of at least 35.97 euros opposite yesterday. Compared with the week output value 69,17 euros per 100 litres heating oil delivery climbed 42 euro was cheaper. The development of domestic heating oil prices in the National average and in the individual federal States, the graphics on the energy Portal show in the section of market data. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.


Young Professionals

by yudaica2013 ·

The aim of the competition is to promote the developed business ideas as well as the development of an ecologically, economically and socially significant market together with the participants and actively to shape the future of electric vehicles. Students and Young Professionals proven economic inventiveness and submitted a wide range of different business ideas. The top nine teams were in the semi-finals on July 04, 2013 in the Urania e.V. in Berlin their interim presentations before a prestigious jury made up of senior representatives of the automotive and energy industries, as well as the TU Dresden before. Aaron Rogers has firm opinions on the matter. A competent team of experts for the development of the business model from the outset was the competition participants and staff of the Chair for communications in the formation process of the business concepts to the page. The final four teams qualified for the team of experts supported the finalists both in terms of content and methodical feedback, rhetoric and presentation tips.

So, the teams were prepared optimally for their appearance in front of the jury. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Betty Reynolds. The four finalists were given the chance to fight for the victory with a final presentation of your business plan before the jury on November 28. Dr. Cosmas Asam (BMW AG, head of Department of M & A, cooperation, economics, transport and environment) and others were part of the jury, Christian Heep (Chief Marketing and Acting Managing Director of the Association of eMobilitat e.V.), Alexander Holst (Accenture GmbH, Managing Director sustainability services roof) and Prof. Dr. Andreas knee (Managing Director, Innovation Center for mobility and social change (InnoZ) GmbH) on. The mood on the prize was a panel discussion on the topic of Electromobility is true entrepreneurial spirit”instead. Under the moderation of Alexander Accenture Holst, discussed Secretary of State Hartmut Fiedler of the Saxon State Ministry of economy, work and traffic and members of the jury include the following aspects: Under what conditions can a motor of economic growth be electric mobility? What are the challenges for politics, economy and environment? Where is Germany in an international comparison? How can innovative business models to promote electric mobility? Hartmut Fiedler Secretary of State emphasized in this context: the showcase projects live from innovative fresh ideas and the will to open up with these ideas of new markets.


Maintenance Cleaning

by yudaica2013 ·

Lockout & Tagout ensure safe operation during maintenance, cleaning or maintenance of machines introduces IDENT macro: lockout & Tagout systems each year are thousands of employees in work-related accidents during repair or maintenance of industrial plants and machinery severely or critically injured. Many of these accidents are caused by uncontrolled release of energy. In Europe, legal regulations prescribe the switch off and “Shut-off” (backup) against accidental re-activation of energy sources during maintenance or repair of machines. Locking systems for lockout or Tagout safety trailer used for safe operation during maintenance, to ensure cleaning or maintenance of machines. These systems are used to prevent injury and damage to property. They are also a hedge against their own errors or mistakes. Due to its striking colors and design, they are visible to everyone and therefore a clear reference to a lock. The macro system provider IDENT offered Lockout – Tagout systems from the Munich South according to relevant EC directives and the OSHA standard.

To prevent risks in companies, various interlocking and labelling systems available such as locking systems and security trailer for mechanical and electrical hazards, lockout kits, locks, closing and various accessories. According to the legal regulations, companies are obliged to ensure that every employee takes part in a safety training course. This reduces the risk of accidents and the resulting costs. “” The macro ID has two professional training DVDs, which are immediately deliverable: Lockout/Tagout: the fundamental steps “and lockout for life”. The DVDs are an ideal tool for all security officers and provide important information for new and experienced employees. More information: macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, Bussard road 24, 82008 Unterhaching, Tel. 089-61565828, FAX 089-61565825,, contact: Angelika Wilke.


Deutsche Bank Germany

by yudaica2013 ·

Companies emitted in Germany restaurant of cheques and innovative food and facility management services Frankfurt, January 27, 2009 – (NBASOPM12012009) – provides Sodexo in the directory of the Superbrands”has been absorbed. The company is listed in the 2009 Edition of the super brand for the United States, Britain and France for the first time and will include it as a brand recognized, to the leading companies in the world. Independent jury voted for Sodexo Superbrands is the world’s most important rating system for trademarks. Companies such as Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas; use the title of a super brand in Europe NIVEA, HARIBO, Miele, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post, IKEA, BASF, Bosch, Coca-Cola or shell. Superbrands is an independent, global organization headquartered in London, that distinguishes the best product – and corporate brands over 14 years of experience in some 85 countries as Superbrands. The selection procedure takes place via an independent team of experts; You can not apply for the title, the Companies will be informed until then. In Germany we growing significance with worldwide more than 355,000 employees are among the TOP 30 companies; in Europe, we include the TOP 10 and also in Germany, we catch up. We register a steadily growing interest in us and our services, so George Wyrwoll, corporate relations manager for Sodexo.

Customers advertise program customers off benefits and occasion indicating award ceremony as a super brand Sodexo on its wide range of services on the Internet: all currently invites an attractive bonus program to recommend the services of Sodexo. More information is housed here: real-estate developer. So, for example by the Government-funded staff catering benefit company without its own canteen. The Sodexo restaurant vouchers system allows a tax-free salary increase: with the so-called Sodexo restaurant pass companies reduce the non-wage costs and spare its employees at the same time, taxes and social security contributions. Customers and other tipster can advertise with customers action customers” Select from attractive premiums, if new users are obtained. More information: company profile the Sodexho pass GmbH is a subsidiary of Sodexo, the world’s largest provider of catering and services.

Around 355,000 Sodexo employees for 30,000 customers are active in more than 80 countries. Group sales amounted to 2007/2008 13.6 billion euro in the fiscal year. The area of service vouchers and cards has a significant role for Sodexo: as the market leader, the number of the operability check user in Germany on 250,000 amounted, worldwide there are 25.6 million. Sodexho pass operates seven regional offices throughout Germany. The head office is in Frankfurt am Main. The company offers customers tailor-made individual full service: from ordering, delivery and customer support. This is the Sodexo restaurant pass, as cashless lunch allowance, the main business area. The 9,000 corporate customers, including Dresdner Bank, Lufthansa, Bayer, A wide variety of redeem available is PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Daimler or TUI, and many medium-sized companies. Over 30,000 partners include, for example, restaurants like MAREDO or North Sea, as well as numerous supermarket chains such as Edeka, Kaufland, real and REWE. In addition local bakers or butchers belong to the root of the acceptance points. Press contact: Sodexho pass GmbH George Wyrwoll of Russelsheim str. 22 60326 Frankfurt am Main Tel: 069 / 73 99 6-62 11 fax: 069 / 73 99 6-62 01 E-Mail: Internet: online PR Agency: NetBooster GmbH Gilles Bourdin Berner Street 64 60437 Frankfurt Tel: 069 / 71 91 49-70 E-mail: Internet:


Public Relations

by yudaica2013 ·

“DENK HOUSE system the connection of many a rule offers practice-oriented solutions by the organisation until order is to implement complete business objectives” says the famous philosopher Emmanuel Kant. To achieve optimal results by reduction to the essentials and stabilization important growth factors in a system due to entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs happiness is therefore dependent on efficient organization. The company DENK HOUSE systems E.k.. here shows the current amount of cover for companies after thorough analysis of the operating status and differentiated financial analyses and offers extensive possibilities to visualize of different future scenarios. This more efficiently adapt existing software modules or bundled solutions in the areas of mobile data, staff time, job and machine data acquisition as possible tools available to achieve the aspired success. Craft enterprises, service providers, manufacturing companies can use DatFox as data acquisition hardware Sales offices or service stations according to their specific requirements of an efficient data management benefit, regardless of whether the focus on an automatic purchase order processing, sales statistics or on the ERP is targeted.

In addition to the system solutions offers competent point of contact and support from the practice for the practice DENK HOUSE. “When it comes to corporate visions, organization, sales, marketing and meaningful employee potential analyses help effective DENK HOUSE companies out of some grey zone offers and transparency according to the motto from the practice for the practice in a successful future”. Hardware terminals to the time & attendance and production data acquisition, as well as mobile terminals (time boys) the company DatFox permit effective control and management of all corporate data and optimal time – and personnel management. While the competence team develops by DENK HOUSE together with the customers an individual menu of success from A to Z – regardless whether it is about canvassing or job development. For marketing and Sales creative concepts are guaranteed..


GmbH Mrs Silke Eckmann

by yudaica2013 ·

New Jumbo stamp on stamp-Wolf WINS, September 14, 2009: Now, the nationwide global supplier of stamp-Wolf the new Jumbo generation of trodat professional line supplies included a laser-engraved stamp plate rubber. The Trodat professional completes the product portfolio upward 5211 text stamps and has a footprint dimension of 85 x 55 mm. This new, large “Jumbo” Professional is available as a text stamp with up to 14 lines (instead of date maximum 12 lines in the model of 5208). And in addition as well as date-text stamps available. In the online shop, it is easily possible, according to individual font type and size – also in connection with a company logo. The known advantages of ProFi-line advantages of ProFi-line of course also apply to the new models. These automatic stamps with built-in pillow cases are made of ergonomic anti-slip protection included.

The robust steel core as well as the positioning frame for an exact position of stamp is one of the other quality characteristics. The Coverage ensures clean finger in the daily setting of the date in the date stamp. Soon, the jumbo stamp as the Typomatic Typomatic models are available. These stamps allow you to create individual texts and in particular as soon change. Love to stamp-Wolf advises customers and prospective customers in writing or personally about the new Jumbo-ProFi-line, so that the user can stamp just fine.

About stamp-Wolf. Stamp on stamp-Wolf individual, technology for any purpose is the motto of stamp-Wolf from Siegen/Germany. This is implemented by the traditionally run family business for over 75 years. The company has many years of experience and first-class employees make for satisfied customers! Stamps and accessories from A to Z of the manufacturer’s stamp-Wolf set – for private individuals, trade and commerce as well as in the industry. With advanced laser technology, exact stamp on customer requests and requirements are matched, manufactured, and shipped nationwide. A Stamp service to stamp systems completes the offer. Since May 2009, an online-shop is integrated. Here, the layout can be easily created for the individual stamps. The advantage for all users: Every online order, the customer receives 10% E-Commerce discount and low shipping costs are another plus. The family-owned company from Siegen is longtime Trodat premium partner. Many also on request with logo are immediately and reasonably priced available – all Trodat products. In the shop, prospects and customers will find the complete selection in all colors and shapes. About Trodat the Trodat company is an Austrian producer for stamps in nearly all sizes – with most built-in ink. Brand names by Trodat are actually Printy and professional – Trodat Printy and Trodat professional line. Only the products from the classic line are hand stamp will require an additional stamp pads. Still, trodat stamping inks, pads and holders are offered. Trodat was founded by Franz Just in 1912 and is today According to its own representation around the world number 1 for marking products with many international awards for innovative product developments. Offices confirm the high quality and customer acceptance in many countries around the world.


SAB Miller Industry

by yudaica2013 ·

The new product family, relating to labelling adhesive offers high quality at an attractive price level we for the first time managed, for a product group to develop a basic recipe that then either by adding the main raw material to the casein – or hydrogel label adhesive. A third product is a semi Hydrogel mixed product. “With this new range of products expanded for main raw materials can cph with same functionality respond better to the individual wishes of the customer, and also taking into account of pH, water resistance, cod and BOD value and washable”, so loose fur. The good processing capabilities of casein glues could be transferred in the past not 1:1 on synthetic glues. With the new product family, it is possible to combine the advantages of casein glues with the price advantages of synthetic glues. Here meet the individual requirements of individual companies in the wastewater and processing due to the shift of the main raw materials. The new is used Product family especially in the drinks / food. Possible applications include all labeling tasks of paper labels on glass, metal, cardboard and partly on plastics.

About cph cph operating on an international scale is owner-managed family company and leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly labelling adhesives with headquarters in Essen. The company’s core competence lies in the production of eco-friendly labelling adhesives for the food industry, the packaging industry, paper industry, as well as the cigarette industry. With so-called country desks, cph is represented in 70 countries. From German production, 80 percent of adhesives in over 80 countries is exported. The customers include companies like SAB Miller, Coca Cola, Pepsi, ABInBev, Heineken, Nestle, Procter & gamble, Radeberger, Krombacher. Eat, January 26, 2010 press contact Barbara Vogt cph Germany Chemie GmbH Heinz-Baker-str. 33 45356 Essen Tel. 0202-472587 mobile 0172-8082158 E-mail: