by yudaica2013 ·
In theory, the task of architecture is the organization of the material medium through artificial selection a certain percentage of the space and create with the help of shell material. Architectural theorists all times and people have argued that in the architecture are interwoven together, qualitatively different material and spiritual phenomena. Two thousand years ago Roman architecture theorist Vitruvius wrote that architecture serve unity of "strength, usefulness and beauty." In modern parlance, we can say that in architecture appear in the unity of engineering and design, social, functional and imaginative aesthetic elements. Naturally, the material side of architecture, as a rule, is of crucial importance to society. For more information see Tony Parker. Architectural – is, first of all, material objects, containing, in addition, also the artistic quality. Therefore, the creation of architectural object begins with the spiritual, creative and largely intuitive and heuristic (such that the opening and creates a new) work of the architect. Then builders objective conceptual plan of the architect placed at the disposal society. Overall architectural design can be characterized as one of the areas of spiritual production, requiring a combination of engineering and social settlement with artistic creativity.
Unlike architectural design, construction as a social process is not the spiritual and material production. General Electric Co. has plenty of information regarding this issue. On the one hand, architecture is a two-pronged process that combines pragmatic (solution of the functional and structural problems) and aesthetic (artistic and imaginative solution to problems) activity. On the other hand architectural creativity connects the work of the architect on the intuitive and scientific and logical level, creates a process of synthesis (image) and analysis (mental division of the object on the fragment). This requires a clear clarification of each specific task for the author, possession of appropriate methodologies and techniques for competent performance. The main social purpose of works of architecture – to be a specific material and cultural benefits that serve to spatial organization of nearly all social processes – work and life, entertainment and culture. This is the main function of the material variety of architectural structures. Cultural function of architecture lies in its human specificity – it is always legitimate and should be art and for this reason – cultural asset that creates artistic values.