Chalco Vargas
by yudaica2013 ·
…. We must obey God rather than men … …. “Thus, like many others, we receive instructions from God and His Spirit to walk properly in this world and be persuaded of the plots of the devil, which weaves for our downfall . The corruption of man is the repeated commission of various sins that harden the heart to do so insensitive, so that, man and do not realize it because of the evil that has seared his conscience because of his repeated malicious behavior and the systematic rejection of the dictates of God to his conscience.
If God is saying always man who is right and wrong and the man always does the opposite of what God tells him in her consciousness, there comes a time in which God, from time to feel the rejection of man, is retiring from his presence never to tell him what to do and it is in this state in which man becomes a creep, so that no longer distinguishes between good and evil. A total unconscious, of those who are in prisons and the streets too. All is not lost if the person can see a glimmer of hope when this happens, it is necessary to grasp “… …. The tip of the ball … ….” Limp and start the ball of the truth of God. If you are a person who has killed, raped, robbed, etc. And he thinks can be saved, not in vain is given this thought and it comes from God directly. We men and meat, can not conceive that a person has committed so many mistakes can be saved, but that’s not the thought of God, God is a supernatural being who thinks very differently from how you think the natural man. The natural man does not forgive the man when he has committed one or more faults but condemns it because, typically, it its pride of “good man” exalts himself but the man of God is solicitous to give the sinner the prerogatives of God.
Tags: obey god