Durkheim Society
by yudaica2013 ·
Some acastelam the plausibilidade of the religion for the historical period where we find in them, while others evaluate the religion in such a way as being one archaic one and that, only in very particular cases, can exert some paper in the present society. The necessary sociological procedure of a society vision. The organic vision of the society entusiasmou the said one of Durkheim (1978, p.490). It conceives that the society is a structure and therefore needs to be considered using analysis tools that had been used by biological sciences. In the organic vision the society is seen as a rule and each one of its parts is considered from the function that they play.
The function of the religion in the society is one of the fidgets of the thought of Durkheim. A leading source for info: Tony Parker. Knowledge is had that, for being complementary part of the history of the race human being since its primrdios, the religion takes a place important and at the same time it is indissocivel of all the sociological set that all the previous offsprings and the gift have known. The religion composes, currently, a reserve of emblems and directions, reported institucionalmente, or freely looked for the individuals, inside of a variety of ways and levels. To the opposite of what it was diagnosised by the way of the end of the religion, it is noticed a revival of the religious bubbling folloied by a diversification of the practical ones, as well as, a consideration, for sciences human beings, of its importance as factor of social mutation, mainly for its disposal, always reconstructed, of aggregation and assimilation. In this way the religion is a universal element and of a enredamento at least transcendente. Thus is the question the religion brings a respectable paper in fact in the construction of the society in beneficial way? The choice of this subject if must to the fact of being evidenced by researchers the expressive aid of the religious phenomenon in the construction of history, in the construction of families and many societies and in the construction of individual that looks in a way or another one an approach and conception of the sacred one.
Tags: religion