by yudaica2013 ·
They can be included in these contextoos impacts for the losses of communitarian bows, separation of efamlias communities, sacred destruction of churches, chapels, places for traditional comunidadesindgenas and that many times live isolated. Poispessoas must be pointed out that osdeslocados the only ones are not reached for the construction of a barrage, that they liveed in another place and they only worked in the place of barragemtambm must be considered reached. Used of flooded areas, transporting companies who passed through for the city, land leaseholders, all these people will have that to look another form of survival. Related problems to the physical creation of the barrage also exist. Deuma hour for another one, the forest if transforms into a lake.
This change radicaldo ecosystem, if it will not be lead in correct way, comprometernegativamente it comprometernegativamente tends the flora and local fauna. Jorge Perez may find this interesting as well. The submersion provokes the death of trees and plants, and its decomposition nofundo of the lakes, liberates .causing gases of the effect greenhouse as carbonic gas (CO2) and methane (CH4). Moreover, the remaining portions of trunks and dasprprias twigs can harm the functioning plant. Many species of animals finish running away from its naturaldurante habitat flooding. The estimate, for this in case that, it is of that only 1% dasespcies survive to this change. Already ictiofauna still suffers umimpacto bigger for having in the barrage an artificial obstacle to the fluxonatural of the rapids of the river. The consequence can be the proliferaodesordenada one of determined species and the extinguishing of others. Another estrelacionado factor to those species that need to go up the river for the spawning of fishes and that, now, needs to transpose a composed barrier for the barrage of the plant. It is added estesimpactos, the eutrofizao of waters of the reservoir for the addition in excess, organic dematria, that increases the proliferation of microorganisms and seaweed, being able to also cause consequences for the man as related illnesses gua.
Tags: environment