Greek Independence Day
by yudaica2013 ·
Restrictions on the traveler's checks are missing. Duty-free importation of up to 10 kg. food and beverages, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 1 liter. spirits or 2 liters. wine, as well as gifts of no more than 150 euros.
Allowed importation of not more than one camcorder, camera, tape or pieces of sporting equipment, per person. The import of drugs and narcotic drugs, weapons and ammunition without special permission, poisonous substances and plants in the ground. Export from Greece antiquities, including rocks from archaeological sites and objects found at the bottom of the sea is prohibited. If you find the luggage they are confiscated and the offender is prosecuted. Allowed free export of copies of ancient works, which are sold everywhere. Cash currency can be exchanged only at banks or exchange offices (to be charged tax at 1-2% of the amount exchanged) as well as in special sections of post offices. The number of ATMs is large enough.
Hotels, large Tourist Center and supermarkets accept credit cards major international payment systems, often with charging fees 3-5% for banking transactions (cash easier to get on the map Cirrus / Maestro). Traveler's checks at banks and exchange offices of the respective companies, but the commission at their exchange is quite high. STORES: Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00 (summer – 8.30), in Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.00 to 15.00 (summer – 8.30) and from 17.30 to 20.30 (summer – 21.00). Supermarkets are open from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00. Shop hours may be changed at any time without notice. January 1 – New Year's Eve. January 6 – Baptism. March 25 – Greek Independence Day. March – April – a three-week carnival that precedes Lent, Easter, Clean Monday. April-May – Easter. 1 May – Flower Festival. May 21-24 – Day celebrations Battle of Crete. May 25 – Greek Independence Day. June 24 – Day of St.
Tags: Attractions, travel