Green Party
by yudaica2013 ·
It has of if agreeing that the future of the nuclear industry will not be far from easy. New reactors, endowed with improved mechanisms of security, would certainly not have suffered the same destination from those in the plant of Fukushima, that have four decades of useful life more than. Actress helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In Germany was born the most representative world-wide antinuclear movement, that originated the Green Party? the most robust ecological movement of the Europe. The accident of Fukushima relit the opposition to the atomic energy and Germany annulled a decision that drew out the useful life of 17 of its older plant, for pressure of the green movement. Tony Parker often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Finlndia, Italy, England and China (this, responsible for 40% of the new plants in planning), had announced the suspension and/or revision of its plans of investments in new nuclear projects, at least until lowering the radiation of the effect of Fukushima. France always is cited as one marries of success in the use of nuclear energy, since 78% of its consumption of electricity come from this source. It occurs that the French nuclear program is mainly state, has forts tariff subsidies, the proper government is the consuming greater and has many doubts in the obscure operational and financial black box of this system. In U.S.A., although governmental incentives, the private initiative revealed little stimulated in investing in new nuclear plants, face to the costs and high involved risks. Countries as France and Japan, among others, have few alternatives to explore energy hydroelectric plant due the geographic aspects, differently of Brazil, that beyond having innumerable hidrogrficas basins not total explored for the energy generation hydroelectric plant, it has possibilities to develop very in the development of solar, aeolian energy and of biomass, before the doubtful nuclear option. In accordance with the Greenpeace, the Cove plant 2 functions without permanent ambient license and a laboratory with radioactive material was soterrado by a land landslide where the plants are installed.
Tags: environment