by yudaica2013 ·
Hazarayat is a region of central Afghanistan inhabited by the Hazara people. The capital is Bamiyan. The famous Buddhas destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 were in this region .
During the nineteenth century was independent and was ruled by local leaders with their own armies. The principal leaders were Mir Bakhsh of Behsud Yazdan, Mir Sadik Beg of Sarjangala, and local chiefs Jaghori, Sangi Takht and Miran. During this century, the region began to pay tribute to the Emir of Afghanistan in return for free trade.
In 1880 is installed on the Afghan throne Abd al-Rahman, who decided to bring the region, invading. After two years of resistance and massacres that affected about half of the Hazara population, Hazarayat was dominated by Afghanistan in 1893. The Hazaras became slave labor (thousands of Hazaras were sold as slaves) and many were exiled from the country. Slavery was not abolished until 1923.
After the Soviet withdrawal from 15 February 1989 and the establishment of the national reconciliation policy of Najibullah, the Islamic parties formed an interim government of Afghanistan (AIG) but the Hazaras were withdrawn.
Radical Islamic groups took Kabul in 1992. Rabbani’s new president ordered the removal from the main Hazara on 7 June 1992.
The Hazara leader Karim Muhammed Kalili start an offensive in a few months Hazarayat expelled from government forces of President Rabbani (Summer 1995). Rabbani install north in the territory occupied by the Tajik people.
Subsequently, neither the government nor the subsequent Taliban Hamid Karzai have been able to retake the region to Afghanistan, though officially part of the country.
1. In an article published in the Huffington Post who is asking that the US president to reassure the Afghan people. Encyclopaedia Iranica, “Historical Geography of Hazarayat” by Arash Khazeni. http://www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc ‘Article http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/v12f1/v12f1080.html
2. Encyclopaedia Iranica, “Hazarayat Origne and history”, by Alessandro Monsutti. http://www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc ‘Article http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/v12f1/v12f1080.html
‘In Encyclopaedia Iranica never refers to Hazarastan as suggested in some articles from Wikipedia in other languages, it is possible that in some countries is so, in Castilian Hazarayat the correct term is adapting the sound of “j” to the Persian Castilian phonetics, this is with a “y”. As anecdote Ferdowsi in “”h-n’ma” (The Book of Kings), refers to Hazarayat (Persian Haz’raj’t) as “Barbarest’n (Barbarestan) region independent Tur’n / Turan.