Integrator Holistic
by yudaica2013 ·
The experience of the truth, awakens consciousness to the recognition of the Supreme. The nature of our inner self is the truth, the Supreme reality that has always been and will be, because it is beyond time, this truth is a fact without time that belongs to eternity, a truth without history that has always been, that fundamental truth we are, we are made of divine truth. With regard to the topic of ‘The spiritual basis’, the divine basis of all existence which is the ‘why’ of our initial statement is an absolute spiritual, ineffable in terms of thought discursive, unattainable for rationality instrumentation, beyond time and space but capable of being experienced and warned through the eye of contemplation of human beings in an act of apprehension trans-simbolica holistic that has as effect the awakening of spiritual consciousness. (Similarly see: Sela Ward). Dr. Ramon Gallegos writes in his book education holistic learning in holistic for 21st century education will be more qualitative than quantitative, which You will need to understand freedom and freedom to investigate. Holistic education is a process Integrator which seeks to educate the whole of the human being; It seeks to prepare students for living responsibly in an increasingly complex community with new realities and new goals. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sela Ward offers on the topic.. With the objective of education for the 21st century, holistic education works with the student in six aspects: in the cognitive aspect holistic thinking develops as a strategic and scientific thought capable of understanding the complex dilemmas of contemporary culture; Likewise the holistic education thrives on new paradigms of science that shows a creative way of using the thought. Referring to the cientifico-industrial culture of the 20th century, Dr. Gallegos concerns that this will not be necessary in our time because the needs, interests and cultural goals have changed, we have new dilemmas, new aspirations and a new global context; why we need a new education which is nourished and corresponds to the new emerging culture.
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