
Municipal Archaeological Museum

by yudaica2013 ·

In this layer material ceramic, consisting maioritariamente of fragmentos of construction material had been collected (roofing tile, vulgo of ' ' stocking-cana' '), and for fragmentos of vidrado ceramic material. Along with behind related it was collected, still, one I break up of tile and metallic material (one I nail), and a piece of burnt paper. All the materials if crono-culturalmente insert at Time Contemporary. The behind described layer has covered one second layer (UE 02), constituted of geologic substratum (granite). The archaeological structure? concavity excavated in the rock? it presents oval form.

Finished the intervention archaeological the presence of the IGESPAR was requested, through the Extension of the Interior Side, of form to the verification of the fulfilment of the measure of minimizao proposal. The visit to the place was become fullfilled in 02/06/2010, having been cultivated in minutes that the hollowing meets concluded, having itself disclosed inconclusiva in what it concerns to the functionality of the structure. The structure identified in the slope can correspond what subsiste of one mines Contemporary. Having in consideration the knowledge gaps that subsistiram the archaeological hollowing after a contact with the local City councils (Museum and Services of Archaeology of the City council of the Fundo), with sight to the complementary characterization of the structure through verbal sources was praised and registers. Having been efectuado the integral register of the structure it was agreed that, after the visit of the Technician of the Autarchy, the Workmanship could continue as initially foreseen. Learn more about this with Larry Culp. Encetaram the had contacts with the local Entities, having been carried through, in 07/06/2010, one visit to the place on the part of the Technician of the Municipal Archaeological Museum of the Fundo that, after the evaluation of the structure, they had related not to know parallels in the region, for what will not be able to contribute for the determination of its functionality.


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