Servicing Today, the
by yudaica2013 ·
Servicing Today, the changing needs of businesses, families and institutions, has redirected the focus to banking services, which become their main source of income from net interest income reduction, more marked reduction the more mature financial system of a country and the lower are interest rates. The means of payment (cr cards, checks, transfers), ensure the success of international trade between the parties, ensuring the solvency import-export, finance, financial markets and operations with large companies and public institutions, make the approach to banking as a universal financial services companies. Special mention deserve the major business units of large banks, another major source of business and power to these institutions, leading to form powerful multinational groups with interests in diverse areas.Depending on the laws of the countries, banks may fulfill additional functions than those above, for example trade in stocks, government bonds, currencies of other countries, etc.. When these activities are performed by a single bank is called universal bank or multiple banks. Similarly, these activities can be undertaken separately by banks specializing in one or more activities in particular. This is called a specialized bank. Independent of the types of banks, they allow the money circulating in the economy, that money that people or organizations are available to move to other who do not and, as requested. This facilitates the activities of these individuals and organizations and improve the performance of the economy. It inferred the importance of banking in the economic history of mankind.