
Cuban Revolutionaries

by yudaica2013 ·

The world amazement, read and heard the adventures of the Cuban revolutionaries. Coincidence or not in Latin America, the ideological fights had started to germinate. Brazilian leaders estudantins, bradavam in full pulmes ideological and socialist thoughts, the fall of the capitalism and the implantation of a socialist revolution. It are the oligarchs. They kidnap its good and its dinheiros. Moved for the ideiais Cuban and inspired by the rounds of cachaa, a time that did not have conditions to buy run Cuban. the time? It passed.

The Brazilian estudantis leaders, who drank cachaa, today take Royal Salute and are owners of great companies and when not associates (she saw oranges) the economic complexes that go of farms (28,000, 00 hectares of soy in the verge of the Bahia and Tocantins). But and the Cuban Revolution? Of beginning, the arrests, the beatings, the seizure, the dispossessions, the revenge and per the one five six decades, the execution by firing-squad summary of the enemies and opponents of the brothers I castrate and the asthmatic Gevara. Execution by firing-squad was synonymous of ' ' El Paredn' '. Something as fusilladed 15,000 the 16,000. The Cuban Revolution reached the same molds of other revolutions ece of fishes in practical, as the Chinese revolution. Not adimitia adversaries. Better imprisoned, tortured and assassinated, of what contestadores.

the years if had puted in charge to show that to as much Fulgncio Baptist, as Fidel Castro was certain. To keep the population in the extreme social, psychological, economic, cultural misery and human being is the best architecture to remain itself in the power. Until he appears another against-revolutionary. in what the Cuban Revolution resulted? For where they walk or they will walk the old comrades of 1 of January of 1959? How many of them they had been fusilladed? How many of them if they deseludiram with the brothers I castrate? Cuba what it represents currently in the world-wide context, in regards to freedom of thought, expression, free initiative, culture, of human rights? What it represents Cuba for the Brazilian government? Probably a great niche of market, saw BNDES that already finances the recovery of the Cuban ports. Or in progress consultoria already of the aburguesados petistas, again saw BNDES in the recovery of canaviais, in implantation of complexes sucro-energy sucro-alcooleiro and. Or still with the presence of the Embrapa, that in partnership with Researchers of the Institute of Research in Horticulture ' ' Liliana Dimitrova' ' (IIHLD), of Cuba, they search new varieties of tomatoe. Or still. What it represents Cuba for Brazil and in special for the State of the Paran, when of ' ' gardenal-boy' ' it demanded that the president of the IAPAR, sent selected beans seeds for Cuba, so that a true agricultural revolution was initiated? By signal this revolution was promised in the first months of 1959. At last. Already 50 years that the cigar smoker COHIBA, keeps under regimen of iron and the longest fire and cruel dictatorship are practically passed that if the news in South American history has. has people that it adores Fidel, that adores the regimen Cuban, that would give everything so that in Brazil if it installed a similar regimen.


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